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Why Admit Now? – WSJ Interviews 50 Biden Staff and Officials Who Outline Cognitive Decline

The Wall Street Journal triggered a lot of attention with a lengthy expose’ article [SEE HERE] sourced from 50 members of the Biden administration who mostly admit: Joe Biden’s cognitive decline was obvious early in the administration and rapidly worsened in the last two years.

The article outlines what most of the non-pretending group already knew, Biden was selected by Team Obama specifically because he was easily controlled by a group of insider staff allowing the Obama agenda to continue with Biden as the avatar for it. Heck, they even created a soundstage and fake Oval Office backdrop; but we are not supposed to mention that reminder, are we?

WSJ – […] Presidents always have gatekeepers. But in Biden’s case, the walls around him were higher and the controls greater, according to Democratic lawmakers, donors and aides who worked for Biden and other administrations. There were limits over who Biden spoke with, limits on what they said to him and limits around the sources of information he consumed.

[…] This account of how the White House functioned with an aging leader at the top of its organizational chart is based on interviews with nearly 50 people, including those who participated in or had direct knowledge of the operations.

[…] The president’s slide has been hard to overlook. While preparing last year for his interview with Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents, the president couldn’t recall lines that his team discussed with him. At events, aides often repeated instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage, that would be obvious to the average person. Biden’s team tapped campaign co-chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Hollywood mogul, to find a voice coach to improve the president’s fading warble. (read more)

The media can never recover credibility over this issue, they willfully and purposefully lied and helped the White House cover up the issues.

So, the question is, why now?  Why tell the truth now?