Welcome to Orwell’s World
George Orwell, that idealistic socialist disillusioned by the Soviet “Workers’ Paradise” (what the great Ronald Reagan called the Evil Empire), took special note of how communists perverted language. Famous, in 1984, the motto was “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” In our time, as well, our speech is polluted by words that do not speak the truth but cover it up. Here are some of them.
Phobia is a Greek word Sigmund Freud chose to label the mental disorder of a baseless, irrational fear. Islamophobia thus purports to dismiss fear of Islam as irrational.
However, look at some of what Muslims have done in the last 52 years:
- massacred Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics (1972)
- kidnapped 52 American diplomats in Iran (1979)
- blew Pan Am 103 out of the sky over Scotland (1988)
- generated Hell on Earth on 9/11 (2001)
- bombed London’s Tavistock Square and tube station leaving 52 dead (2005)
- murdered 13 and wounded 30 at Ft. Hood, Texas while yelling “Allahu Akbar!” (2009)
- bombed the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding 280 (2013)
- slaughtered 16 and wounded two at a Christmas office party bombing in San Bernardino (2015)
- slaughtered 12 people in Paris at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine, at a kosher supermarket, and (a police officer) on the street
- bombed the Bataclan theater in Paris, killing 130 and wounding 350 (2015)
- used a truck as a weapon at Berlin Christmas Market truck killing 12 and wounding 56 (2016)
- used a truck as a weapon in Nice, France, killing 86 and wounding 434 (2016)
- raped, tortured, and slaughtered 1,200 civilians in Israel (2023)
Those who do not fear Islam are the ones with a mental disorder.
“Gay sex”
This is simply impossible. The role of the sex organs is procreation, which cannot be accomplished by two people of the same sex. What “gay men” do is not sex. “Gay sex” is verbal camouflage for sodomy and fellatio, behaviors that disgust normal men. This perversion is nothing but hedonism, mutual masturbation, and the separation of the intense pleasure of procreation from procreation.
The G-d of the Jews’ Bible says, “Be fruitful and multiply,” and because He wanted that, He made procreation a most enjoyable procedure. Someone else once said, “There may be some things better than sex but nothing quite like it.” Thus, sexual deviance is a kind of embezzling of God-given pleasure separated from being fruitful and multiplying.

There is no such thing as “gender,” as this word is misused today. Before the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1972 went crazy and removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders, gender was a grammatical term used by many languages (if not English) that categorizes nouns, adjectives, and sometimes verbs as either male, female, or neuter.
The sexually disordered pilfered the term to label an inner delusion that seems to them to be male or female, or a combination of the two, and this inner experience is more “authentic” than one’s human anatomy, male or female—though no physician can locate it in the human body or brain. “Gender” used like this is nothing but a psychological fantasy.
“Sex Change”
No human being in history has ever been turned into the opposite sex. A sitting justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, a woman representing her sexually bent-out-of-shape American generation, could not define the word woman when it is self-explanatory.
The Bible teaches that males and females are made of the same stuff, but what distinguishes them is their organs of reproduction. The woman is a woman by virtue of her womb. She is a hu-man (sic) with a womb, a womb-man. (Forget about checking for x and y chromosomes in athletes. This should be the test.)
No man has ever been surgically fitted with a womb, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or milk-producing breasts, and no person has ever “transitioned” from one sex to the other. No male calling himself “transgender” has ever known the desire to become pregnant and give birth to a baby to love and kiss, cuddle, nurse, feed, bathe, play with, and tickle. He has never in his life experienced this desire because only those humans with wombs can know the feeling. (Cf. Bonnie Raitt’s musical and lyrical masterpiece “Nick of Time”)
More Orwellian deceit. Male-to-male sodomy is medically contraindicated for it is known to damage the colon and cause other serious conditions. After the APA’s decision, the AIDs virus germinated wildly via massive homosexual orgies and ended worldwide the lives of over 40 million people, far more than COVID-19. There is nothing irrational in fearing the spread of homosexual behavior.
“Reproductive freedom”
The demand that there should be no restriction on the right to an abortion because it is allegedly an assault on a woman’s freedom to reproduce is plainly a lie. Communist China instituted such a prohibition, but no other country has. On the contrary, those in favor of abortion-on-demand are completely free to reproduce. What they really want is approval for the right to commit intrauterine infanticide after creating human life.
These are more accurately described as “regressive,” representing an earlier stage in human development when the common man had no say in the governing of his society. Today’s “progressives” are the enemies of democracy and the values of individual freedom and liberty. They were the ones during the Communist Chinese-produced COVID plague dictating the imperative of immunization or losing one’s job and the obligation to wear face masks.
There is no such thing. Muslims themselves never use these words. They were invented and promoted by non-Muslim Western academics for their own psychological and political needs to shield Islam from being associated with the satanic terror atrocities perpetrated by its adherents. The term wants you to believe there are “Muslims” and there are “Islamists” and they are not the same. But no “Islamist terrorist” ever calls himself that. The term is meant to portray Muslim terrorists as unrepresentative of Islam, such as the ignorant American President Bush, 43, on 9-11 when he declared that Islam is a religion of peace.
These are Arabs about whom there is nothing “Palestinian.” They have no national language and practice no religion native to Palestine. They teach their school children that their nation has been living in Palestine for 5,000 years, even though there is no evidence in history of the presence of such a nation in Palestine, that synonym for the Jews’ “Land of Israel.”
“Radical extremists”
Another verbal smokescreen. When Muslims invaded Europe in 711 and attacked Vienna in 1683, not one victim of their aggression called them “radical extremist Islamists.” People just called them Muslims.
“Israeli apartheid”
Plainly an antisemitic lie. Apartheid is an Afrikaans word in use in South Africa from 1948-1998, referring to the system in which every citizen had a national identity card imprinted with the color of his/her skin, white, black, or mixed, that regulated his life. Israel has no laws about anybody’s skin color.
The great English writer Tom Paine (1737-1809) coined the expression The Age of Reason.
Ours is the Age of Orwellian Deceit.
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