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Watch How *Acting* President Donald Trump Dominates Macron in Visit to France

Ward Cark reporting for RedState 

We may as well drop "President-elect" Donald Trump, which I'm still not tired of writing, and start using "Acting President Donald Trump," because while doddering old Joe Biden is falling asleep in his chair in Africa, Donald Trump is out meeting with world leaders - and they are anxiously awaiting their turn to meet with him.

That's what presidents do. In the latest example, Acting President Trump attended the re-opening of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on Saturday, and did so alongside France's President Emmanuel Macron, where the two exchanged friendly remarks.

The conversation was pleasant:

MACRON: President, I just say it's a great honor for French people to welcome you five years later.  And you were at that time present for the first time and I remember the solidarity and your immediate action. So welcome back again. 

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

MACRON: We are very happy to have you here.

TRUMP: Thank you very much. Very great honor. And we had a great relationship as everyone knows. We accomplished a lot together and the people of France are spectacular. I guess it's one of our largest groups in the United States, French people. And we respect them and we love them. Very talented people, extremely energetic people, as you know very well. And it's an honor to be here. We had a good time together and we had a lot of, lot of success, really great success working together on defense and offense too. And it certainly seems like the world is going a little crazy right now. And we'll be talking about that. Thank you very much for being here.

The French gave Pres. Trump a greeting that sure looked, well, presidential.

Pres. Macron also appears to be sending a message with his warm greeting to the incoming president, even if there was a somewhat obvious test of strength and dominance:

The message here seems pretty clear: America is back, baby.

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Meanwhile, Joe Biden is falling asleep at meetings, stumbling, mumbling, growing more and more befuddled and confused by the day. When he's not napping on the beach in Delaware, he's napping during summits with other national leaders. It's downright embarrassing and has been for some time now.

The contrast could scarcely be more stark.

Of course, the comparison is a tad unfair. Joe Biden never was anything but a second-rater, even in his younger days as senator from Delaware. He was always petty, vindictive, spiteful, and, let's be honest, not all that bright. Now his physical and mental deterioration has proceeded to the point where it's truly alarming, enough to make one wonder if he shouldn't just hand the baton off to Kamala Harris for the next few weeks. 

But, despite being in his late 70s himself, Donald Trump is energetic, sharp, and focused. He is already taking steps, and already talking to other world leaders; more importantly, other world leaders are coming to the South White House at Mar-a-Lago to speak with him. Trump has, after all, been in this chair before. He knows what he wants to do. He knows that the establishment and the entrenched bureaucracy, who hold real power in Washington, will oppose him every step of the way - and he seems prepared to slug it out. It's becoming apparent that his second term will be very different than his first.

It's going to be fun to watch.

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