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Trump Effect – Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland Abruptly Quits

Those who followed the details of the U.S, Mexico and Canada trade agreement, can easily see how Chrystia Freeland was never going to be the right person for Canada to have as Finance Minister while they attempt to navigate President Trump’s economic policy again.

In fact, I would not be surprised if someone in Mar-a-Lago told Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau he needed to ice her out if Trudeau wanted to stand a chance of a relationship with Donald Trump. As many people noted during her gleeful confiscation of funds from the trucker protests, Deputy Prime Minister/Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is a conniving, scheming, and all-around nasty piece of work.

In a posture akin to that sideways stare from Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction (“I’m not going to be ignored, Justin”) today turned some of that internal spite toward her boss, Justin Trudeau.


As noted by the New York Times, “Ms. Freeland, who has helped steer the Trudeau government through many challenges, had been playing a prominent role in forming Canada’s response to the incoming Trump administration, leading a team of government officials preparing for the transition.”  And then there’s the part of her letter which says, “on Friday you told me you no longer wanted me to serve as your finance minister.”

Yep, apparently the Canadian Trade Team walking toward Team America-First just wasn’t going to work again. Or, put more accurately, no one around Trump-47 has time for the childish nonsense that Freeland brings with her everywhere. lolol

Pictured Above: The Canadian Trade Delegation arriving for negotiations, circa 2017.

Good times…. Good times… Oh those USMCA memories.

I digress….

New York Times – […] In her letter of resignation, Ms. Freeland accused Mr. Trudeau, who is deeply unpopular at home, of engaging in “costly political gimmicks” instead of focusing on countering the grave threat of tariffs.

Canadians, she said, “know when we are working for them, and they equally know when we are focused on ourselves.”

She said the breakdown with Mr. Trudeau came over his push for measures, including a sales tax holiday and sending modest checks to taxpayers, that would add to the government’s deficit.

She said she believed this spending, aimed at currying support among voters, would undermine Canada’s finances and its ability to deal with Mr. Trump’s tariff threat.

Ms. Freeland, who had been the finance minister, was scheduled on Monday to outline the government’s commitments to improve border security with the United States as part of an interim budget known as the economic statement. (read more)

From France in the EU to Canada in North America, the professional leftist governments are collapsing at a rapid pace; perhaps even on Trumpian time, and we are here to savor every moment.

Our Canadian brothers and sisters may even greet us as liberators.

And just wait until we see the news from Germany yesterday.