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Chuck Schumer Asks Republicans Not to End Filibuster and Continue Power of Minority – Republicans Say Meh, Okay

It has come to my attention that most of MAGA, specifically those who do not understand the history of Republicans in the Senate, support a return to Senatorial and Parliamentary norms, where 60 votes are needed in order to advance any legislative intent. [READ HERE] Stupid is, as stupid does.

Prior to the 2024 election, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, promised to end the filibuster rule and change the Senate to a simple ‘majority rules’ body.  However, in the aftermath of the 2024 election outcome, where Democrats are now in the minority, Chuck Schumer has a reversal of prior opinion and is requesting the Republican leadership to retain the filibuster rule – giving power to the Democrats who now hold minority position.

Into this mix of UniParty and DeceptiCon political constructs, the online MAGA community are now advocating for a return to old Senatorial rules where amendments can be offered to all bills proposed and the 60-vote threshold is retained for cloture, filibuster power and legislative passage.

Despite knowing Majority Leader Schumer was going to crush them, Senator Rick Scott, Senator John Cornyn and yes, now, Majority Leader John Thune, are taking the high road and promising to keep the power of the Democrat minority in place.  A more apropos example of “Battered Conservative Syndrome” has never been so clear.

WASHINGTON DC – […] “The short version of that is: Please don’t do to us what we were going to do to you. Schumer is obviously concerned that Republicans might embrace a scheme to eliminate the filibuster and pass all sorts of consequential legislation with no Democratic input at all. That wouldn’t be bipartisan! Fortunately for Schumer, Republicans have been more principled than Democrats when it comes to the legislative filibuster, and to the filibuster in general. Republicans realize that even though they will have the majority for the next two years, they might be back in the minority at any time after that. So, Schumer will not get it good and hard the way he planned to give it to Republicans.” (more)

This is exactly how ‘republicanism’ infects the MAGA movement, ultimately and predictably positioning the future republican voters frustrated and shouting at trees.  Democrats, together with Mitch McConnell and John Thune love this, because it retains their lucrative business model.

Let me start by reminding the MAGA victims, that’s YOU, of the position of Democrats:

Apparently, the high-minded influencers within the MAGA community have seemingly forgotten about this intent.

Next, let us move to the reality of what the GOP is planning to do, and remember Scott, Cornyn and Thune all agree on this.

The return of amendments to the Senate bills brings with it retention of the filibuster and ‘cloture’ 60-vote threshold.

Taking the first part first, those amendments have a name. During the Obamcare fiasco you might remember a few of them: “The cornhusker kickback” (Nelson), “The Louisiana Purchase” (Landrieu), the “Florida Gator Aide” (Nelson).  These “amendments” are purchases of Senator’s votes with sweetheart closed-door deals, they are not enhancements to the bill, they are bribes for support.

Now the second part. Presume a 55/45 split. The Majority needs to purchase votes from the minority in order to reach 60. That’s where “amendments” offer the highest price. K-Street Lobbyists pay for minority senators to support the amendment. Lots of money is made.

Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid were not in opposition to each other on the business end of this process. Their personal wealth benefitted greatly.

The high-minded MAGA Republicans are advocating for returning to, and retention of, this process.

History: After Scott Brown became #41, Leader Harry Reid had to begin purchasing votes from Mitch McConnell. However, the American public were holding the GOP feet to the fire. Eventually Reid just said, “screw it” and dropped the vote threshold for final bill passage to a simple majority, 51.

The Senate retained the 51-vote passage, with the exception of “cloture votes” or votes to close debate, along with ‘filibuster breaking thresholds’ which still needed 60. Essentially, McConnell/Reid were not stupid, they did not want to give up the business model. So, 60 cloture votes and filibuster remained.

The Cloture Votes also provided the Deceptive Conservatives, DeceptiCons, the opportunity to vote yea on cloture, then vote against the bill. Senator Ted Cruz is the #1 Republican who uses cloture voting as a mask. Cruz often votes yea on cloture (supporting the bill) and nay on the bill itself (thereby denying he ever supported it).  It’s a good cover, and they all use it.

Obviously, McConnell didn’t want to be the one to change the lucrative construct of Harry Reid, so he retained the non-amendment part and the 51-vote simple majority part.  Then McConnell lost the Senate, again.

However, suddenly, the GOP are back in the majority and now Rick Scott (and presumably John Cornyn) wants to give the power back to the minority. McConnell’s protege’ John Thune learned well from the knee of the master.

Leader John Thune has no issue giving the GOP power in the Senate away, adding back the lucrative process of amendments, and returning the threshold to 60 votes for bill passage. However, he had to pretend it was some astronomical exhibition of magnanimity in order to gain maximum value from the illusion of doing what he always supported.

Thune says as leader I will return to regular order, amendments, voting thresholds and the pre-Harry Reid processes. Everyone cheers.

The republicans are now in the majority and have changed the structure to add amendments and give stronger power to the minority.

THE RESULT – President Trump’s agenda will be more difficult to pass (higher threshold and stronger opposition position), but somehow MAGA cheers for Senate Majority Leader John Thune (see thread).

Battered Conservative Syndrome.

Wash-Rinse-Repeat…. Then everyone will look oddly when the base of voters throws up their arms in frustration and the Senate flips back during Trump’s 2026 midterm election.

Why should a Republican Senate majority take their foot off the gas and allow the Democrats to retain the power of the minority. They hold no similar disposition when in power.

I say, crush them.

Advance the MAGA agenda. Crush the opposition and give Republicans in 2026 a reason to go out and make the prior election even more resounding.