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The Democrat Party’s Testosterone Deficiency

It appears that the slow-witted political operatives behind this season’s production of “Harris/Walz: Lights, Camera, Cackle” have finally figured out that they have a serious “man problem” — as in no man with a modicum of testosterone running through his veins would dare be caught bearing the brand of the “trans”-hyping, willy-chopping, child-sniffing Democrat party.  Congratulations, pals and gals (and xals) — glad you’re waking up to the reality that you’ve created an ideological movement that caters chiefly to Kens who dress up as Barbie, advocates for legalizing pedophilia, and a lot of people who would very much like to speak with the manager. 

Silver-tongued political pundit Scott Jennings made this point last weekend on CNN: “Working-class men, whether black, Hispanic, or white, consistently do not believe the Democratic Party and specifically Kamala Harris are going to do a thing for them.”  That’s right: men of every color understand that Democrats are out to get them!  In response to Jennings’s reasonable observation, his lefty co-panelists twisted themselves into all manner of incredulous gasps and how dare you, sir! hysterics.  Their faux outrage was unintentionally hilarious.  What, us?  We don’t hate men!  How could anybody cast such ghastly aspersions at the party of “inclusion”!?  

The Democrat Party whines about everything.  It is the whiniest whiny party that has ever existed.  But there is nothing that more quickly drives its members toward the zenith of ear-splitting, screeching whininess than the thought of heterosexual men having independent opinions.  Unless you’re a friend of the Village People or traded in your “man card” for one of those pink stocking caps long ago (here’s looking at you, Mark Hamill!), they’ve got nothing but hate for those with a Y-chromosome (except for the she-he fakes who body-slam female athletes on playing fields).  

Democrats don’t want to hear from men.  They don’t want to see them explaining things on television.  They don’t want to understand their problems or concerns.  And they certainly don’t want them to exercise any economic or political power.  As far as leftists are concerned, the days of men being the family’s breadwinner and strong protector are over.

Not only do Democrats want to figuratively (and quite often literally) neuter boys and men, but they also are invested in building a future in which manhood is understood as some kind of deadly disease.  No academic discipline has been spared from the left’s insatiable misandry.  Using the language of anthropology and sociology, Democrats have invented “mansplaining” and “manspreading” to shame men for ordinary behaviors.  Using the language of medicine and psychology, Democrats have invented “toxic masculinity” so they can diagnose men as “dangerous” to society.  Using the language of political science, Democrats have invented the dreaded “patriarchy” so they can discredit any kind of government with male leaders.  

Through junk science and overt propaganda, the Democrat party is constructing a world in which masculinity is viewed as abnormal and men are viewed with contempt.  Through language and policy, leftists justify blanket discrimination against men unless they first apologize for their “privilege” and subdue their biological instincts.  As far as Democrats are concerned, men who refuse to be re-engineered into something that they are not deserve to be jobless, disrespected, shamed, and even reviled.  The most masculine “offenders” deserve nothing less than involuntary commitment in the closest psych ward until they can be reprogrammed into something less threatening to the Democrat party.  Think General Mark Milley telling Congress, “I want to understand white rage.”  To that, I say: Thank you for your service, ma’am.  

After decades of being told that they are what’s wrong with the world, a lot of men have finally had enough.  They are tired of being portrayed in commercials as clueless and in movies as the enemy of all women.  They are tired of having their leadership abilities disparaged as inherently “sexist.”  They are tired of being branded “intolerant” for believing that merit, hard work, and professionalism deserve higher consideration than modern fetishes for “gender identity,” “queerness,” and made-up pronouns.  They are tired of being simultaneously criticized for holding doors open for women and leaving doors closed for women to open themselves.  They are tired of having every instance of innocent flirtation and every example of gentlemanly chivalry demonized as some kind of “violence” against the opposite sex. 

They are tired of being told that they have no right to protect their unborn babies from termination.  They are tired of being told that they have no right to protect their daughters from physically stronger boys playing in their sports.  They are tired of being told that they cannot protect their children from mastectomies and chemical castration just because some kook pushing today’s “trans” fad says fantasy must be made permanent reality.  They are tired of being labeled “domestic terrorists” for wanting to safeguard their families from murderers and rapists who illegally enter the United States.  Men are done being scapegoated for serious problems manufactured by Democrats, charlatans, corporate opportunists, and an increasingly tyrannical federal government.

Seeing the collapse of male support for their party, Democrats are panicking, but they have no idea how to rectify their electoral problem.  Panderer Harris is promising to legalize weed and hand out “free” money to black entrepreneurs, but her gestures reek of cynical desperation.  Hello, racist-as-all-get-out Democrat party, black men have higher aspirations than selling drugs for a living!  On the other hand, at least Kween Kamala is no longer interested in keeping black men in prison well past their release dates just so California can maintain its source of cheap labor.  When you think about it, Kamala Harris might be one of the only Californians alive today who arguably does owe black Americans some form of reparations! 

Barack Obama is trying desperately to corral black men back onto the Democrat plantation, but the old Obama magic just isn’t working as it once did.  Why?  Because Barack has chosen to embrace his inner schoolmarm and scold black men for not mindlessly lining up behind Kamala as instructed.  That’s the exact kind of condescending attitude that men of all races are tired of seeing!  Instead of embracing the basketball-playing, cigarette-smoking, “cool” persona that Obama projected on his way to the White House, he has slipped on his mom jeans and decided to give black American males a spanking for daring to think differently. 

It’s a perfect example of how out of touch Obama has become.  Telling men what to do works only with the weaker sort.  Disciplining young men, in particular, for their natural rebelliousness tends to supercharge their rebellious streak.  Who can blame Barack for forgetting what a man is, though?  Democrats have denied the biological differences between the sexes for so long that they no longer understand the basics.  Hint for remedial learners: Men can’t get pregnant just because you bowdlerize biology textbooks to advance unscientific absurdities.

So it looks as if Kamala will have to portray her husband, Doug Emhoff, and her running mate, Tim Walz, as über-masculine figures in a last-ditch effort to lure back all the men jumping from the Democrats’ sinking electoral ship.  Emhoff has been credibly accused of slapping a former girlfriend around, and Walz is known as “Tampon Tim” because of his insistence on furnishing boys’ locker rooms in Minnesota with feminine hygiene products.  Neither exudes masculinity.  And the Walzing Tampon prances across stage as if he’s reliving his favorite moments from a Britney Spears concert.  Smart parents would keep their daughters away from Doug and their sons safe from Tim’s wandering jazz hands.  Depending on either to win back men proves that the Democrat party has a serious testosterone deficiency.