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New Polling: Amid all National Civic and Political Institutions U.S. News Media are Least Trusted

It should not come as a surprise given the volume of examples that have been presented in the last several years; however, according to Gallup polling, amid all the top national civic and political institutions the United States “news media” is now the least trusted institution of all.


The alarming statistic is really that -post COVID- 31% of Americans still trusts news media.  I would surmise that if a similar poll was done on professions, teachers, nurses and healthcare workers would also be at the lower end of the scale.

That said, this really is not a surprise if you have ever interacted at a high level outside the USA.  Internationally, thanks in part to the traveling USA press corps who have showcased their ideological attributes to a host of foreign audiences, the entire world now view the USA media apparatus as various shades of something akin to Baghdad Bob.

If you think that a cognitively compromised USA President parading around the world as a blithering fool, while the USA media openly pretended he was functional, does not have some significant impact on global views, you are mistaken.  The entire world sees Joe Biden as he is, not as the media pretended him to be.