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X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 11


23 years ago, 1 horrific act, thousands dead, a whole country in mourning and afraid of the unknown.

That's what I would be born into 2 days later. A world torn, and seemingly always unstable as bloodthirsty politicians unleash their plans of world dominance right under our unsuspecting noses.

Yet, despite all that. This would still be a country that would unite in an incredible way to rebound from what happened 23 years ago. It would still be a country that would survive whatever would come it's way until 2016 would shake everything up and force us all to see the true evils that have been existing for many years.

Despite the chaos of the last 4 years, I'm still very proud to call this country my home. And I 100% believe that it will rise up this November and forever expel the evil politicians from our government!

We've made it this far, we can make it to the very end if we all unite and vote the Left out!