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Voting Minds Decided – Politico Admits No Movement in Presidential Polling Following Debate

Everyone is just waiting to vote now; that’s the rub of it.  That’s the core and basic message that keeps repeating from inside the signal.  Everyone has made up their mind, there are no more undecideds; we are all just waiting to vote now. Everything else is just, well, noise.

[…] “surveys point to just a slight Harris bump, with national polls showing the Democrat’s lead has grown by about 1 percentage point since the day of the debate — even including national polls from NBC News and CBS News on Sunday giving Harris a mid-single-digit lead.”…  ~Politico

The 2016 and 2020 MSM narrative engineering polls were wrong by an average margin of 8 points.

According to the underlying data of most polls, affluent, college indoctrinated, white women between 30 and 50-years-old are the strongest Kamala Harris supporters.

I would strongly encourage all men married to this demographic to stop accepting emasculation, set down the purses, stop drinking nut milks and counteract Karen’s vote.  It’s ok, you don’t have to tell anyone.  Glance over to the power tools section and we’ll give you a ‘sup nod of support.