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Merchan Delays Trump Sentencing Until After November Election

There’s a lot of positive commentary about this judicial decision; however, my hopium account balance is overdrawn.   Let me present a factual angle of how the Deep State may use this. FYI if you have watched the corruption unfolding for the past few years, you will understand this is not doomerism; it’s pragmatic caution.

There is an argument to be made that Merchan, who has already shown stunningly political bias against President Trump, will operate only on the political LAWFARE interests of those who support him, regardless of consequence.

Judge Merchan is a rogue lawfare element, do not try to convince me he is bound by any legal or judicial limitations.

If you accept the possibility of political LAWFARE, then consider Judge Merchan may be positioned as an insurance policy against President Donald Trump taking office.  The scenario would be President Trump winning the election (too big to rig) and then finding himself being sentenced to prison after his victory.

Not only would this scenario play into the hands of those who promise to defeat Trump even in victory, it would also create constitutional crisis, upend the political system and likely trigger something akin to a civil war – exactly what the IC/Deep State would relish.

Also, under this scenario those Sea Island folks advising RFK Jr and Ron DeSantis might have something other than altruism behind their current endorsement status, just sayin’.  Don’t ever underestimate the scheming, conniving efforts of these crews.

NEW YORK — Donald Trump’s sentencing for his criminal conviction in Manhattan will be delayed until after Election Day, a judge ruled Friday, handing the former president a significant victory that will leave voters in the dark about his possible punishment, including a potential prison sentence, as they head to the polls.

The sentencing, previously scheduled for Sept. 18, is now set for Nov. 26.

Justice Juan Merchan, the judge who oversaw the trial and is responsible for sentencing Trump, said he wants to avoid any impression that the sentencing could give an advantage or disadvantage to “any political party and/or any candidate for any office.”

“The Court is a fair, impartial and apolitical institution,” Merchan wrote in a letter to lawyers in the case. (read more)