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Luntz is Drunk Again

You can make the argument that Frank Luntz is drunk and simultaneously accurate, that part might be true. However, failing to notice the transparency of his repeated drunkenness, while putting any weight of credibility on his opinion, is silly.

Excessive use of alcohol and Alcoholism is a common trait of those who live in Washington DC. You can attribute this commonality to whatever you want but the reality remains. There are a disproportionate number of people afflicted with the need to consume alcohol in/around our nation’s politics. Personally, I think that’s because when evil physically manifests, it exhibits common traits and behavioral patterns.

Like many people in/around punditry and the business world of politics Frank Luntz appears in public visibly drunk. WATCH:

Now, some people will ask, “why do you point this out – rather than refute what he says?” To those voices I simply say, “what he does speaks so loudly, I cannot hear a word he’s saying.”

Put another way, Luntz’s influence and affluence is tied directly to the business end of politics in DC. If he doesn’t keep himself in the current status, he will lose his income stream. Luntz will do and say whatever gets him his next paycheck, his next drink etc same/same.

Learn the motives behind these shallow people, and you quickly learn how small & unimportant they are. Here is another example of the same issue.

Frank Luntz is a functional alcoholic. Evil sits on his shoulder playing a fiddle. He’s plastered.

I keep track of this small stuff because ultimately all of their motives circle back to the same issue.

…Money, money, money…. That’s it!

The Democrat wing wants Power.

The Republican wing wants Money.

The proverbial Luntz’s are parasites riding the UniParty vulture.

Washington DC is the most vile, corrupt and Godless place in our nation; it is depressingly sad to see it collapsing further and further into the darkness of the abyss each year.  This is not a joke, snark or off-the-cuff comment intended to just frame things in a familiar context; it really is that bad -and worse- in Washington, DC.