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It's Time for Gun Rationing to End

Imagine, if you will, that the government decided you could only exercise your freedom of speech once per month. What would you do? What if it told you that you could only go to church once per month? What then?

If you're like most of us, you'd be angry. However, states do this with gun purchases all the time, and it's time for that to end.

The Firearms Policy Coalition recently took aim at a New Jersey law restricting people from buying more than one gun per month. 

“This case presents a simple question of law,” states the lawsuit. “The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms’—plural—‘which shall not be infringed.’”

“It’s been said that ‘as goes California, so goes the nation.’ In this case, California’s ban was properly declared unconstitutional and enjoined from enforcement following years of litigation, and so it will go with all such bans throughout the United States. We will force New Jersey and every other state to abide by the Second Amendment’s protections without exception,” said FPC President Brandon Combs.

This is important work, because gun rationing laws like what New Jersey has on the books need to die a fiery, painful death.

In theory, these laws are meant to prevent straw buyers. If people can only buy one gun per month, they can't make a living off of buying guns for prohibited people.