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FBI Says Iran Hacked Trump Campaign, Then Sent Information to Biden and Harris

The FBI and ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) are reporting how Iran hacked information from within the Trump campaign and then sent that information to the United States government, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ campaigns. [Background Here]

President Trump, somewhat tongue in cheek, notes the following:

However, it does not go unnoticed how the general direction of this FBI report about Iran, tends to parallel the 2016/2017 FBI report about Russia.

So, bear with me. Under the auspices of “foreign meddling in the USA presidential election,” the FBI and DNI again spring into action.

In the 2016/2017 version of the FBI/DOJ/DNI effort we eventually learned it was the FBI/DOJ/DNI who manufactured the “hacking stories” around Russia as an excuse to cover their illegal election surveillance operation over Donald Trump. This is no longer disputed amid the intellectually honest.

So, riddle me this…. Is there a reason to believe the 2024 version, where Iran is inserted to replace Russia, does not emanate from the same FBI/DOJ/DNI justification premise?

I’ll just casually sit back and wait to see what the DOJ NATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION (DOJ-NSD) come up with next. Presumably -if I am correct- we will see some patsy Iranian group named, labeled and blamed for the hacking, likely around the end of this month. However, factually the “hacking” per se’, is probably nothing more than the Biden group Intelligence Community (FBI/DOJ/DNI) exploiting their political surveillance control systems.

Yeah, I’m saying it… Based on precedent we can prove…. It’s not Iran, it’s us.

And factually, I cannot wait to hear a repeat of the 2015/2016/2017 institutional defenders who shout, “that’s crazy talk coming from CTH again.” Although, I inherently suspect the number of DC defenders may be slightly fewer than prior years.

Then again, we still find our group to be the only people who take an alternate perspective on the FBI Mar-a-Lago documents case.

You see, from the outset of the DOJ -now Special Counsel- case against Trump in the “classified documents” case, the DOJ-NSD framed every aspect of their accusations and indictment(s) around the issue of “Classified National Security.”

That approach is seemingly useful if the same Biden administration interests wanted to continue the use of Title-1 FISA surveillance warrants; a 2024 justification coincidentally facilitates hidden surveillance of yet another Trump presidential campaign in an identical manner as they did in 2016.

But wait… wha?

Yup, again if accurate, that would mean the entire construct of the Jack Smith special counsel case that Judge Aileen Cannon eventually threw out of her court, would be predicated on a hidden motive to keep Donald Trump under full (national security) surveillance.

Crazy talk!
