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Déjà vu x 2 – Deep State Stenographer Moves to New York Times

Hopefully everyone can see the assembly of datapoints that are creating the 2024 redux of 2016.  Previously we noted how Iran is the new cover story to justify investigative leaks and throw a legal bag over Trump surveillance. [SEE HERE].  Iran 2024 replaces Russia 2016.

Now we see another similar datapoint in advance of the IC’s next move.  Devlin Barrett moves from the Wall Street Journal/Washington Post to New York Times.

As the Trump-Russia script is replayed, Devlin Barrett replaces Ali Watkins as the IC leak recipient who joins the New York Times in advance of the October surprise launch against President Trump.

The reference points most people are familiar with here, is Ali Watkins moving to the New York Times after she received the leaked [and non-redacted] full Carter Page FISA warrant, on March 17, 2017 from SSCI Security Director James Wolfe.

Wolfe leaked the Carter Page FISA application to journalist Ali Watkins.   Despite Wolfe’s lawyer denials; and despite Ali Watkins denials; and despite Yahoo denials; and despite The Washington Post denials; and despite the New York Times denials; Wolfe DID leak the FISA application.

The reason the media needs to deny the leak is because these same media outlets were falsely reporting everything about the FISA application.  The biggest names in U.S. media (WaPo and NYT) had the full and unredacted FISA application in March of 2017, and spent the next 15 months lying about the content to support the fraudulent Trump-Russia narrative.   Heck, Ali Watkins was likely hired by the New York Times -from Buzzfeed- specifically because she had the FISA application.

The media had the full and unredacted FISA application in March 2017, two months before the Robert Mueller special counsel even started.  The FISA application was made public by the special counsel on July 21, 2018, partly because the media already had the FISA in circulation.   The media had the application for sixteen months before it was made public, by the special counsel, one month after James Wolfe was indicted. (more)

Moving to the New York Times brings in bigger institutional lawyers who can guide the exploitation of the classified documents. ie. how to write about them, shape the story to the best narrative against the adversary (in this example President Trump) and avoid legal jeopardy.

The NYT works in synergy with the DOJ-NSD, toward common political ends. After James Wolfe leaked the FISA application to Watkins, the NYT exploited the content, writing about it, shaping information to their journalistic allies, and seemingly pretending they do not have it (because it was illegal).

Devlin Barrett was the person used by Lisa Page, Peter Strock and Mike Kortan to leak DOJ/FBI information about the Steele Dossier investigation. Barrett works on the outside of the DOJ/FBI silos, sharing information that is shaped from inside the DOJ/FBI and in some cases DHS. He is a stenographer for their presentations to the public.

Barrett jumping from WSJ to NYT is proactive positioning in advance of Trump term-2. Nothing more. The IC likely has provided him direct information about ongoing operations, and the NYT will legally guide Barrett’s reporting on it.

If 2016 continues to be replayed, look for Devlin Barrett to be the vessel for the IC moves against President Donald Trump.

Iran 2024 replaces Russia 2016.

Barrett 2024 replaces Watkins 2016.


Keep watching….