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Deep State Spooks Back Kamala, While Black Gangs Warn of Civil War Against Her Imported Venezuelan Crime Syndicate

 Deep State Spooks Back Kamala, While Black Gangs Warn of Civil War Against Her Imported Venezuelan Crime Syndicate

Remember that Kamala Harris is the candidate of the Good People. The Best People, actually: the credentialed and compassionate, the upscale and sophisticated, those with sufficient noblesse oblige to care about the “most vulnerable among us.”

You’ll need to repeat that to yourself a hundred times a day — or let our captive media hammer it into your head — because all the actual evidence points the other way. Namely, that Harris is the dull-witted, inarticulate puppet of corrupt, self-serving elites — a DEI hire who just manages to pronounce the words flashed on a teleprompter or whispered in her ear, then boogies around acting “brat” to drum up turnout in our chaotic, crumbling blue cities. And that she has been fully complicit in hundreds of catastrophic policies for which Joe Biden was happy to be the yammering carnival barker.

Harris has just been endorsed by the most dangerous people in America. No, not violent criminals in supermax prisons. They’re patriotic, Norman Rockwell 1940s Boy Scouts compared to the criminal network that just came out for Kamala: The highest-ranking members of the American Deep State, who are the main culprits in almost one million pointless deaths in Ukraine. That war was almost avoided, until the U.S. intelligence community torpedoed a reasonable deal, in order to create a bloody quagmire weakening Russia, as General Mark Milley admitted was the real U.S. objective.

I’ve raised the question before: Since we know that Joe Biden isn’t running the country, and neither is Kamala Harris, who actually is? Like right now, at this moment. Seriously: who?

Who decides whether we send troops to Lebanon, guide Ukrainian missiles to Moscow, or otherwise slide even closer to World War III?

Now we have our answer. Our wizards behind the curtain have come out into the light and identified themselves.

Like Russia under Putin, we are governed by our secret police. And they won’t give up power easily.

“Chicago Will Go Up in Flames”

Perhaps the worst of these policies for Americans has been the embrace of totally open borders by our former “border czar.” Importing some 10 million unvetted, mostly uneducated foreigners pell-mell into America sounds so insane that no Democrat before 2008 would have gone near the idea. But Biden and Harris didn’t just let it happen. They aggressively recruited and imported these surplus unskilled workers, then dumped them on mostly Trump-voting counties. But plenty made their way to blue states and cities, where the natives are getting restless:

Is it really our duty as Christians to incite a civil war? To punish our poorest neighbors and blow up our own country, instead of inspiring and aiding less fortunate nations?

If that were Christianity, I would persecute it myself. I’d briefly consider feeding such “Christians” to the lions, but in the end, I wouldn’t. It’d make the poor lions sick.

But Immigration Is Too Hard to Fix

Some people who reluctantly admit that it was disastrous for the Democrats to wave in 10 million illegals insist that the problem is too far gone to fix. If large numbers of people want to get into your country, it’s like a bad weather front: You just have to accept it and deal with it. The government of Italy disagrees, as Gateway Pundit reports:

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni … is one of the most popular leaders in Europe, and to achieve good results, she has sometimes had to clash with some of her more liberal counterparts. … It arises now that under Meloni, Italy’s level of illegal immigration has plunged an astonishing 64%.

Her government has cracked down hard on smugglers and worked with Italy’s neighboring countries to diminish the flow.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said Sunday that their success shows once and for all that enforcing tough border policies is possible — it just takes hard work.

It also takes leaders who actually love their countries and their fellow citizens. One such candidate is running for president this year.