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Alinsky and Lawfare in 2024 Election

Andrew Breitbart was well known in the grassroots Tea Party movement for his ability to turn Alinsky psychological weapons against those who deployed them. In fact, the gift that Breitbart carried was not Andrew’s snarky counter approach toward the Obama teams tactics, but rather his ability to understand the purpose of their approach. This naturally gifted insight always made Andrew a threat.

Well before the Obama Marxists fully activated their weaponized government, Breitbart saw the Alinsky “methods” for what they were, the same tactics deployed by professional abusers. He knew we were headed into an era where “We the People” were in an abusive relationship with government.

In essence, Andrew Breitbart understood that if this tribe of Chicago Marxists were successful in the constructs of the government they envisioned, they would manipulate American politics in much the same manner that an abuser would intimidate, threaten and eventually control their victims. Better yet, Breitbart inherently knew how to defeat them and their predictable gaslighting.

The abuser punches you in the face, intending total control and manifest domination. If you stand up against the abuse, your injuries are then positioned as your fault. When we hit back, our abuser immediately takes the victim role; and with the media spectators on the side of the abuser, the victim never stands a chance. Wash, rinse and repeat.

Breitbart took his counter-offensive skills into the field and when the community activists surfaced to promote their abusive agenda, Andrew immediately began calling attention to their intent. He used their own methods against them, ridiculing them, making them live up to their own message, making them uncomfortably small, speaking big truth to their lies in a very matter-of-fact deconstruction of their psychological nonsense. He was incredibly effective.

What we have witnessed in the past 18 years is exactly this rise of Chicago Marxists into positions of power. They spread throughout government embedding into every institution thanks to the open doors provided by Barack Obama, Eric Holder and a host of like-minded fellow travelers.

We are now fully emersed in an abusive relationship with the system of government institutions demanding and enforcing victim compliance. When an individual member of the people rise in opposition, the weaponized agencies of government use their power to target them quickly. The institutions now perpetuate the abusive process. Victims start feeling entirely powerless against the full weight of the abusers.

The Rise in opposition to a transparently sketchy 2020 election resulted in the January 6th protesters being quickly targeted, framed, prosecuted and used as a lesson to stop further uprisings. The power of the abuser is intended to control the fearfully abused, both physically and more importantly, psychologically.

In the Lawfare side, with full control of the DOJ and FBI the “Ku Klux Klan Act,” an 1871 federal law that bans political violence and intimidation, and the voting rights act of 1965, are now used as weapons to keep the abused American people in line. A current legal effort at a “consent decree” against both the RNC and Trump campaign is working its way through the courts:

CNN – […] First brought in the days following the 2020 election, the lawsuit has moved slowly through the federal courts in Washington, DC, as Trump’s claims of presidential immunity from civil lawsuits were being litigated. It coincidently has landed before US District Judge Tanya Chutkan, the judge handling the federal election subversion charges against Trump.

But now, the case is beginning to show signs of movement.

The case could have enormous implications for this election and future ones: The voters are asking a federal judge to put Trump, his campaign and the Republican National Committee under court supervision that would require them to seek pre-approval before “engaging in any activities related to recounts, certifications, or similar post-election activities,” and to bar the defendants from intimidating voters, poll workers and other election officials.

If the plaintiffs ultimately prevail, their victory could provide them with a significant deterrence against potential intimidation and harassment of election workers and voters from Republicans as Trump and his allies signal that they will again try to undermine the results of the election.

At the heart of the lawsuit are claims by Black voters in Michigan that the defendants worked together in 2020 to unlawfully disenfranchise them and other voters in “major metropolitan areas with large Black voter populations” through “disrupting vote counting efforts, lodging groundless challenges during recounts, and attempting to block certification of election results through intimidation and coercion of election officials and volunteers.” (read more)

The Klu Klux Klan act is also being used in a civil case in Texas against several defendants accused of threatening Kamala Harris and her campaign bus.   The jury is currently deliberating whether to award compensation to the plaintiffs.

DNC lawyer Marc Elias has been a key player in the use of weaponized lawfare practices to stop election integrity efforts.  Both wings of the professional political UniParty in DC support maintaining the status quo where election outcomes can easily be manipulated.  You do not see much opposition from Republicans in congress toward any election fraud, simply because they benefit from it.

In 1980 a generally unapproved candidate, Ronald Reagan, won the election.  In response, an apoplectic democrat apparatus feared institutional changes that would disrupt a longer-term plan.  The result was a legal challenge by the DNC and an eventual consent decree against the RNC forbidding them from challenging any election result.  Those limitations against the republican party lasted from 1982 until 2017.

Again, in 2016 a generally unapproved candidate, Donald Trump, wins the election.  The response, yet another legal challenge by activist democrats seeking yet another consent decree against the RNC and Trump campaign.  If successful, any challenge to the 2024 election would have to be approved by left-wing federal courts in Washington DC.

Seeding the proactive narrative, the New York Times recently said the results from the 2024 election could be delayed for days or weeks.  “For the second straight presidential election, it is becoming increasingly likely that there will be no clear and immediate winner on election night and that early returns could give a false impression of who will ultimately prevail.”  [link] If that sounds like a predictive position to assist fraud, it is.

This brings me to a point that many do not quite understand.  When you consider the potential for yet another consent decree limiting election challenges and contests, there is a benefit to various election integrity efforts NOT being connected directly to the RNC or Trump campaign.

Regardless of what happens in DC courts, all independent groups and election security efforts would not be covered by a consent decree against the Trump campaign and/or RNC.  There is a purpose and benefit to being independent and focused on precinct level integrity issues.  However, that approach does make organization difficult from the position of efficiency, tactical administration and cost.

We are hearing about a lot of ballot challenge success in advance of the 2024 election as various grassroots organizations work diligently through a process of reviewing voter rolls and challenging discoveries based on duplicate registrations, expired registrations and more significantly, fraudulent addresses.

It is very difficult, nearly impossible, to challenge a voter roll based on a name or identity of the voter.  But 1,000 registrations to an empty parking lot, vacant office building, Wal Mart or post office box are easier to identify, challenge and subsequently remove.   Voters just need to understand and accept the removal process is generally (depending on area) against the interests of the people responsible for maintaining fraudulent ballot printing opportunities on the voter rolls.

Intercepting fraudulently attributed ballots in advance of the opportunity for them to be printed, mailed and retrieved is a big way to stop ballot harvesting and scanning fraud.  Thousands of those ballots are being intercepted and eliminated daily, this is what is currently creating much of the anxiety amid the various Kamala Harris camps.  They are extremely dependent on these fraudulent voter rolls and ballots.

Do not let your heart be troubled with dark imaginings.  There are really good people, grassroots earnest people unaffiliated with the RNC or Trump campaign directly, working through a process to remove fraudulent ballot opportunities.   We are starting to hear a few ancillary stories about this effort, but there are many simultaneous challenges happening in a multitude of important regions – literally precinct by precinct, and within county offices for local supervisors of elections.

One of the biggest surprises to Satan this election cycle, has to be the unaffiliated organization and scale of this ballot integrity effort.  The leftists are facing an army of mosquitos draining their fraudulent ballot supply.  The radicals are now left swinging sledgehammer lawfare tools against quick moving mosquitos, and the Marxists are very unhappy about it.

Be of good cheer.
