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With the Walz Pick, Are Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania Now off the Table for Democrats?

 By casting aside Josh Shapiro to placate the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party, when the current love affair with Harris fades, do Democrats have a path to victory without Pennsylvania?

What happens when Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November?

The likelihood of this is growing daily. Even with Democrats being overrepresented in the most recent public polling, and with the obvious media campaign to prop up Kamala Harris as something other than the intellectually lightweight, progressive left-wing radical that she is, Americans are finding more reasons than before Joe Biden exited the campaign last month to support Donald Trump as they watch their country and their quality of life being decimated by the most hostile and incompetent presidential administration in the history of the United States.

The choice of far-left Minnesota governor Tim Walz as Harris’s running mate only makes this decision clearer in the minds of average Americans, particularly Jewish Americans who are likely convinced that Josh Shapiro was passed over due to his being a practicing Orthodox Jew. Compare this to Democrats who are falling for the non-stop Kool-Aid served up by the sycophantic mainstream/legacy media and much of social media (with the exception of X/Twitter).

Getting rid of Joe Biden as the presidential nominee has not solved the problem Democrats have in facing Trump. No matter what candidate the Democrats put on the top of the “D” ticket, they are going to be saddled with the pathetic performance of the Biden administration and the Democrat party at large. No amount of lipstick is going to make this pig any more attractive.

While predicting election results is always risky, we think it’s a safe bet that most voters will be motivated enough to act in their best interests and eschew the tribal voting tendencies that have betrayed them for generations. The voices of open-minded, practical-thinking people who represent a majority of the US population are being drowned out by a noisy radical few, both on the rightas well as the left especially. They are being ignored by a disgraced legacy media, setting up a scenario for a massive electoral wipeout that will stun many bubble-dwelling true believers but will not surprise the rest of us just like 2016.

Current polling notwithstanding, by ending up with Kamala Harris, the absolute worst candidate they could have run against Donald Trump, and now dealing with the adding of a radical running mate in Tim Walz, clear-thinking Democrats must see this coming. Even with changes in election laws such as mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting, and relaxed voter identification requirements, elections must at least be close for any rigging of results to come off as plausible.

Democrats barely got away with it in 2020 at the height of the COVID pandemic. But we’re all paying attention this time. The sight of people clearly shoveling millions of fake ballots into counting machines isn’t going to fly with American citizens this time, and with legal resources in place around the country ready to pounce, the steal will be impossible to hide and much easier for the courts to overturn.

But why should the will of the people matter to those in power? Even with the odds of winning decreasing as each day passes, activist Democrats are digging in for what appears to be their refusal to accept the election results and use every tool in their lawfare toolbox to block a Trump victory.

If you want a clear example of all this look no further than Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), one of the most contemptible members of either house of Congress. Raskin is one of the chief anti-democracy Democrat hypocrites in the House of Representatives, Raskin is on the record saying that if Trump wins in November he will lead House efforts to not certify the election, invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. This should come as no surprise.

Does this surprise anyone reading this? If there is any single American that is a threat to democracy and our republic, it’s Jamie Raskin. He will shred the Constitution, admitting it, saying the quiet part out loud, if it furthers his warped anti-democracy agenda shared by so many on the far-left.

The Harris Campaign’s decision to run with Tim Walz as VP has provided Americans with a moment of clarity. The Harris-Walz campaign has just positioned Trump-Vance as moderates, sharing the values of all but the most activist progressives of voters. Trump’s America First platform speaks to the genuine concerns of working Americans. They’re not interested in the radical agenda that Harris-Walz promises, regardless of how many times these two left-wing politicians are portrayed by the legacy media as “centrist.” They are not.

America has had enough of out-of-control government spending, spiraling inflation, open borders, and escalating global conflict manufactured under Biden-Harris. Add in the Walz factor to the Harris campaign and it is nonstop waving of the freak flag. With the exception of the issue of abortion, where the country is deeply divided, swing state voters will see this for what it is and vote accordingly. The values of the broad center are not in sync with issues like the border crisis, the funding of proxy wars, the struggling economy, and many social issues like gender-affirming care for children while forcing loving parents out of the discussion.

Maybe the left-of-center moderate Democrats among us will just stay home in protest of a historically un-American Harris-Walz platform. We don’t expect a surge of newly minted Trump-Vance converts, as the polls show that Trump has not lost support but has not gained any.At this point, less than 10-percent of the electorate is in play.

The implosion of the Harris campaign will be ignored for awhile, but it can’t be ignored for three months leading up to November. Citizens will ultimately be presented with a huge contrast of vision this election year: One that has proven to work and is a positive example of the American spirit, and one that has historically failed over and over yet is cynically forced onto the public by control freaks seeking permanent power, and whose naked ambition cannot be hidden anymore.

It looks like a clear victory for Donald Trump in 2024. Okay… fingers crossed!
