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President Trump Continues Splitting Trade Union Members Away from Trade Union Leadership

We have talked about the disconnect between union members and union leadership for several years.  Within the trade unions the disconnect is even more noticeable.

Barack Obama leveraged union support to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary.  However, as President Trump entered the world of politics in 2015, the dynamic of union membership support radically changed.

Donald Trump, known as the blue-collar billionaire, has always held a great relationship with various trade unions.  President Trump has long supported the philosophical intent of trade unions as a collective body to stop corporate exploitation of members.  The workers support businessman Donald Trump and as a politician and businessman Donald Trump has always supported the workers.

In this segment broadcast on CNN, the more than modestly annoying Frank Luntz, outlines the union membership support for President Trump as contrast against the corrupt union leadership support that aligns with their personal financial interests.  WATCH:

The faces of the CNN panel were fraught with physical pain as they considered what Luntz was saying. lolol