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EPOCH TIMES - Survey Results Report: Public Opinion on Foreign Collusion Accusations in Canadian Government

Thank you for participating in our survey on the Canadian government’s foreign collusion allegations. With over 3,000 Canadians sharing their perspectives so far, we’ve aggregated their responses to provide a comprehensive snapshot of their opinions. Here’s what we found:

Should Ottawa make public the names of parliamentarians accused of foreign collusion?

The overwhelming majority of respondents believe that transparency is essential when it comes to accusations of foreign collusion involving parliamentarians.

The demand for public disclosure underscores the public's desire for openness and accountability within the government. This strong consensus reflects an urgent need for measures that ensure the integrity of parliamentary processes.

Should MPs accused of foreign collusion be suspended during the investigation?

A significant majority of respondents support the suspension of MPs during investigations of foreign collusion, indicating a widespread belief in the necessity of impartial and thorough inquiries.

The public's strong endorsement for suspensions during investigations highlights the importance of maintaining public trust while ensuring that due process is observed.

If proven, what should be the consequences for MPs who have colluded with foreign governments?

The survey revealed diverse opinions on the appropriate consequences for MPs found guilty of colluding with foreign governments, with legal and punitive measures being the most favored.

The strong preference for severe legal consequences and public disclosure reflects a collective demand for justice and transparency in handling cases of foreign collusion.

Do you believe that foreign interference is a significant threat to the integrity of Canada's democracy?

The survey results show an overwhelming consensus regarding the threat posed by foreign interference to Canada's democratic integrity.

The high level of concern about foreign interference underscores the public's awareness of and sensitivity to external threats to national sovereignty and democratic processes.

How would you rate Ottawa's handling of foreign interference so far?

Public opinion on Ottawa's handling of foreign interference reveals significant dissatisfaction and calls for improvement.

The widespread dissatisfaction with current measures suggests a critical need for more effective strategies and actions to address foreign interference.

How confident are you that Ottawa can prevent foreign interference in the next election?

Confidence in Ottawa's ability to prevent foreign interference in future elections is notably low, indicating a substantial trust deficit.

The lack of confidence highlights the urgent need for robust measures and reassurances from the government to restore public trust and ensure electoral integrity.


The survey results clearly demonstrate the public's deep concern about foreign interference and the need for decisive actions to safeguard Canada's democracy. The overwhelming support for transparency, accountability, and stringent consequences for those found guilty of collusion underscores a collective call for integrity and vigilance in our political processes.