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Dems Say Goodbye to Biden, but We're Stuck With Him

When my elderly mother was fading, she endured a lengthy hospital stay. They discovered her virulent lung cancer had returned. So, I moved her to a nice nursing home where I visited for dinner.

She was always tiny, but now stooped, in her familiar dressing gown because she wasn’t going anywhere. Mom was not happy to be eating with a large crowd of noisy strangers. She gave them her side-eye. That didn’t work anymore.

I tried to make a joke about our reversed roles. “Eat your beans,” I said, “they’re good for you.” She didn’t get it. She ate them.

In her private room, I was determined to bring up the subject I’d been dreading since the doctor’s meeting. “Mom,” I said….

But she interrupted. “Shhh, ‘Jeopardy’s’ on.” 

After, I took a deep breath to talk about the beloved apartment she and Dad selected together years before, the one overlooking the ocean, the beach, the whales, and sunsets, the cozy perch packed with family paintings and antiques she’d collected over decades. She would never be going back there. And I had to tell her.

“Mom,” I said sadly, “we have to talk about the apartment.”

She looked at me like Joe Biden, her mouth open, her eyes glazed. And she said, “What apartment?”

I relived those sad moments of relief this past week as we watched Biden’s lifelong party pack him and his immense family syndicate off into the sunset, literally, to the West to another billionaire’s borrowed mansion in California. 

With his government earnings and pensions, his large professor’s salary for not teaching a class, earnings on books that listed him as author, and the 10 percent from Hunter’s international influence-peddling business, Joe could buy his own pair of mansions. As the Obamas have while fretting over people who have too much.

Virgin Islands, Southern California, Biden prefers to borrow vacation housing for his extended family, however. Wonder if he reports them as in-kind donations?

He often takes family abroad. In 2013, for an official VP trip to Beijing, Biden gave Hunter a free ride there on Air Force Two so the son could seal a multi-million-dollar Chinese deal for his business. We were assured father and son never discussed such things. Biden family honor.

On another trip as vice president, Biden ran up a $500K hotel bill for his entourage in Paris for one night and another $600K the next night in London. That’s a lot of mini-bar and Room Service. But don’t worry; taxpayers covered it all for him.

Politics, they say in Chicago, is not beanbag. And the way an unashamed Joe Biden treated people not in position to help him defines cold SOB. Asked about scores of desperate Afghans falling to their death off departing U.S. planes during his lethally botched withdrawal, Biden answered, “That was four days ago.”

So, karma bit his wrinkled butt last week at Democrats’ national convention. To get him out of the way early, Biden’s farewell speech was scheduled for prime time the first night. 

But wouldn’t you know, other speakers ran long. Then there was important music. And no one ever heard of adjusting a schedule for a president. So, the addled guy who was captain of the sinking campaign until the Pelosi Mutiny had to wait around for hours backstage. He didn’t get to speak until 11:27 p.m. Eastern. 

In those remarks, Biden actually plagiarized himself from speeches five months and two years ago. Not that many were listening anyway.

Because by then, millions of voters across the country had gone to bed. So, they weren't reminded of the lost soul who every elected Democrat and media outlet knowingly lied was sharp as a tack until that June debate in front of 55 million viewers when the truth came out.