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Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr Ben Carson

Wow, Dr Ben Carson completely understands the scripted and controlled “manufactured enthusiasm” behind Kamala Harris.  In this interview with Tucker Carlson the former HUD Secretary has exceptionally clear eyes about the ideology and plans.  He may be soft spoken, but there is no pretending in the words of Dr Carson.

You can tell that Carson’s deliberate insight and delivery style presents a challenge for Tucker who is more familiar with an interview where the person is in convince mode. Carson’s power is in his ability to communicate without any effort or attempt to convince the listener. Carson is steadfast, clear and makes no effort to convince anyone of anything. He speaks to what is, not to what people pretend it to be.  WATCH:


00:00 Intro
02:21 Kamala Harris
11:53 Donald Trump
26:36 Why the Black Community Loves Trump
32:34 Communism, Marxism, and the Left’s New Religion
44:59 Dr. Carson’s Success, Family, and Marriage Advice
01:05:36 Living Through the Detroit Riots
01:18:28 Why are American Men So Unhealthy?
01:29:24 Is There Any Hope of Getting Back to a System That People Trust?
01:33:01 Why the Swamp Is Afraid of Trump
01:36:53 The Evils of Abortion

SIDENOTE:  I just realized the perfect role for Dr. Ben Carson in the next Trump administration.

Sixteen years ago, the term “manufactured enthusiasm” took on an entire new meaning with the introduction of Teh One, Chicago Jesus, the bringer of all progressive enlightenment, Barack Obama. The intersection of Hollywood and a left-wing political media crowned their golden calf, and the outcome was ridiculous.

Many voices, not enough obviously, were shouting “wait, stop” and various warnings about what would come next. However, those warnings fell on deaf ears and the “fundamental change” was hoisted upon an electorate coping with a housing and financial crisis. The rest, as they say, is history.

Folks, we are about to witness the full 2007/2008 ego-driven madness packed into a short three-month period. The manufactured enthusiasm for Kamala Harris has begun, and the first 48 hours of the marketing blitz are exactly as we should expect.

The next few months are going to be ridiculous at a level beyond The Lightbringer.

Fortunately, a person who was perhaps not paying attention in ’07/’08 will now get to witness something they missed before, and the ears might not be as deaf as they were 16-years ago. We also have the ego of Teh One which might come into play if he feels slighted witnessing a higher level of adulation than he received. We’ll have to wait and see.

What we do know is that preparations have been long-underway to flip the switch for Kamala Harris, and despite her prior failure to launch with operation Jussie Smollett, Hollywood, Big Tech, the UniParty and the entirety of the left-wing political media apparatus are going to funnel all that Biden angst into Kamala worship.

As college students return for their fall semester, watch what they encounter.