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Republicans Need to Come to Terms With This Simple Reality If We’re Going to Win in November

No one wants to be the skunk at the garden party, nor does anyone enjoy telling their readers something they undoubtedly do not want to hear. However, more often than not, medicine tastes gross, yet it works and you need to take it for your own good. I’m not a doctor, and what I have to say isn’t medicine, but Republicans do need to hear it if they want to win this November.

As much as Donald Trump is loved by some on the right, he is hated by as many on the left. 

It’s true, and it’s also the fastest way to get negative comments, angry emails and to lose followers. That’s why so few people who know it refuse to say it. But it needs to be said if it’s going to be overcome.

There’s a lot of money in telling people what they want to hear, and the conservative media world is full of people who will tell you only good news, positive spin. But that’s not real life, and while it’s helpful to their bottom lines, it’s less so to the cause they claim to care deeply about.

Let’s get to the reality check: Donald Trump has a ceiling on his support, at least as of now. 

With all the bad news for Joe Biden, all the horrible “senior moments,” mumbles and tripping, it doesn’t really move the needle for him or Trump in the polls.

There isn’t a poll where Trump doesn’t dominate on the issues – the economy, border, war, inflation, on everything but abortion – and he’s within the margin of error in almost all of them. More than that, even though the alterative is a senile, corrupt, pervert, Trump routinely pulls in support only in the mid-to-high 40s. 

The only way this is possible is there is an incredibly large group of Americans who, no matter the circumstances or alternative, will not vote for Donald Trump. The only other viable choice is someone who can’t stand upright, forgets where he is and to close his mouth, and can’t remember what he was talking about while he is talking about it, who also created an economy riddled with inflation, unaffordable housing, food and gas, and he still sits within 2 points of Trump.

Honestly, polls show voters think Biden is mentally gone, bad at his job and incapable of doing it, AND only somewhere in the mid-30s even moderately approve of how he does it, yet more than 10 percentage points more of them than like him say they’ll vote for him over the man who had an excellent economy and they trust more on most issues. It makes sense, unless you factor in the hate.

One thing about Donald Trump is you’ll never come across anyone who doesn’t have an opinion about him. Love him or hate him, people don’t live in the in-between on him. In many ways, Joe Biden is a non-entity in this election, it’s just between Trump and not Trump. 

As much as people love him, people hate him. Depending upon social circles, there is an incentive for both, especially with the hate, which feeds on itself and is reinforced by pop culture and liberals who can’t control themselves. If you’re a conservative, you’ve absolutely known a liberal who can’t control themselves when they hear the word “Trump.” If you don’t follow politics, it’s the same – there is just a large swatch of the left who simply cannot control their rage at the thought of Donald Trump existing. 

While Trump will never get the “Karens” and “Karls” who suffer from Trump Tourette’s, but the rest of them are not only possible to get, they are needed. 

As much as the debate exposed Biden as an empty husk of a man, and viewers noticed, the first poll on the issue found it didn’t matter. The Daily Mail reports, “Biden's support eased from 46 to 44 per cent, and Trump was dead still at 44 per cent before and after,” according to the Ipsos poll. The debate was a disaster for Joe with Democrats in the media, but it didn’t register anywhere else.

Trump has to find a way to reach the people who can’t imagine voting for him simply because there are so many liberals around them who can’t shut up about how they hate him. They don’t like Trump because it’s the “in” thing to do in their circle. 

All President Trump has to do is show these people he’s not Hitler, that he knows how the economy is hurting them and he has a plan to change that. He’s doing it, he has to do it more. He has to do it until he breaks through the bubble they live in, then do it through November and beyond.