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I Told You So

 I tried to warn everyone that Trump was doing an Iran-Contra trick upon the conservative base by using half the base to undermine the other half. Just like I kept telling everyone that Trump just loves the telling the truth, hidden behind his heaping piles of hype and lies.  Now today the reality of that sets in just how deviously nefarious he has been.  It even will get worse than that as after all these months of trying to figure out exactly what was behind how Oct 7th came into being, I've finally put the puzzle pieces together and it's going to be heart breaking the amount of deception involved.  Of course it's just my opinion, an opinion based on nearly ten months of closely watching what has been unfolding since with words spoken by the main culprits that makes it more than just an opinion and an eye opener for coffee table discussions across the globe.  There again, as what I am going to say now, you firmly have to believe you've already been had and we are looking at two administrations, the current and former, working cohesively hand in hand to get to the reality of the remarks made by Trump at a Turning Point Action conservative event held in Florida.  

In that address to the group Trump told them that 2024 will be the last election they'll ever have to vote in again.  That, after that, the system will be so rigged, no one will have to bother voting for anyone again.  Which leads conclusively to what I've been saying for the last few weeks.  The illegal immigrant argument that they are voting in our elections is just the distraction for the real fraud, and the real fraud is why you can't find the fraud because it appears legit.  

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told Christians on Friday that if they vote for him this November, "in four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote."

See the reality now?  If you don't you are in a whole world of delusion far more than most have even been up until now.  Not only did he tell the crowd they'll no longer have to worry about voting again, but in a May address to the National Rifle Association, he, like I mentioned, just loves to tell the truth, and the truth is, he's been running things behind the scenes of the current administration.  

"In May, speaking at a National Rifle Association gathering, Trump quipped about serving more than two terms as president.

He referred to the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, the only president to serve more than two terms. The two-term limit was added after Roosevelt's presidency.

"You know, FDR, 16 years - almost 16 years - he was four terms. I don't know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?" Trump asked the NRA crowd."

Trump has a sinister streak a mile wide.  He loves telling people the truth, up to and including he wasn't coming back after 2020.  People just don't hear the truth spoken because it's hidden behind the hype of lies.  He further makes a mockery out of the crowd by telling him how much he loves them.

"He added: "I love you Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote," Trump said.

He's never been a Christian his entire life.  Remember that big, beautiful Easter day, not the one spoken of but the one where Don Jr came out and said on Easter that Trump doesn't have to attend church anymore because he's not president.  The way he phrases it isn't that he sincerely believes that Christians will far outweigh the number of ballots not voted that they'll vote for you since you will no longer have to be bothered, there's no guarantee to the fact they'll have more voters to vote in place for those who didn't vote than democrats.  Kelly Ann Conway did the best at explaining that, or why.  The American First Institute, the one they have the Heritage Foundation running cover for, who have had republicans and democrats alike going in and out of back doors in NYC, are doing so in preparation to set up in advance the next administration.  Kelly Ann said that one of the biggest problems when a new administration comes into place, there's too much in-fighting between democrats and republicans that waste too much time getting agreed upon policy agenda into place.  Moving forward they have come together to agree upon what the next administration will look like, who will be involved in that administration, and who will be agreed upon positions that need vetting.  What Trump said to the Turning Point crowd is essentially you won't have to waste your time anymore voting because we'll have done come together and decided on your behalf who the next president will be.  It will all be about America first, not Americans, and you will no longer have a voice in determining the direction the country will go, or who will take the country in that direction.

The Gateway Pundit and others were right nearly four years ago when they found what would be former, or you could say, what should have been former, Trump administration officials holding secret committee meetings in Virginia.  The part people really need to get at this point isn't that it just the Trump administration helping govern the current administration, the former Obama administration has been found doing the same thing. A huge part of that is recognizing that they've decided to stop fighting among themselves and work in cooperation with each other toward common goals.  Those commons goals will not be of much benefit to the average Americans but to set in place policy to enrich themselves even further.  That includes putting people in electric vehicles and selling them out of their energy.  Americans will have no further choice in the matter as they've taken control, they've fixed the system against you.  

They've achieved their illegal legal looking extensive, most inclusive voter fraud operation in history by placing hot topic issues on ballots, like aligning into position a supreme court that would throw out Roe vs Wade, leaving it up to states to decide so states continue to put it on ballots to keep the voter drive going, getting people who'd otherwise not vote to vote to see who is still alive and kicking and get a fresh up to date signature, people who never registered to vote to register,  issues like legalizing marijuana, government and non-government funding of voter drives.  Even so desperate as to pay three individuals to stand in a secretary of state parking like, as I highlighted in a comment the other day, to ask people if they were registered to vote.  The whole thing isn't so you can all try and outvote the other side, it's all done so they can outvote the side who has won if it isn't who they have chosen, and it looks legitimately done now using the votes of the people who didn't bother voting so they can override whoever the majority have voted for if they so decide. 

It was never about conservatives, liberals, gays, transgender, those were just issues to distract people, keep fighting among themselves, anger people to register, to vote, to push the pendulum to enable them to establish a legitimate looking voter fraud operation.    

Like Michael Moore said, once people realize Trump wasn't going to do a damn thing for them, it'll be too late.