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Gaslighting Is All Democrats Have Left

It might be difficult to imagine a time when the Democratic Party was more out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans than it is now. Indeed, their failure to adequately address issues voters actually care about has placed them in quite a predicament.

While Americans were calling out for relief when crime rates skyrocketed across the country, Democrats responded with “This is a great time to take more police off the street.”

When Americans are highlighting the economic woes they are experiencing, Democrats are saying “Nah, the economy is great – inflation is decreasing, you are getting veeeery sleepy.”

But the public knows that they are being sold a bill of goods. This is an issue that Republican commentator Shermichael Singleton highlighted in a recent appearance on CNN in which he raised this problem with Van Jones and others on the panel.

“The voters are yearning for recognition for their daily plight,” he told the panel. “When you say that there isn’t a crime issue in this country … Go to Washington, DC. We’re here in New York City. Go talk to people who live in impoverished areas or poor white areas and ask them about crime.”

Singleton continued, saying that Democrats should speak to regular people “about the economic instability that we have under the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris administration.”

The commentator raised the immigration issue. “It’s not about demonizing immigrants, Van. I agree with you that immigrants come to the country … for a good life. But people want an order to the process. People want to make sure that their plight is addressed first before the plight of other people,” Singleton said.

You can't keep telling voters their experiences aren't real. pic.twitter.com/Tmg6mllb2j

— Shermichael Singleton (@MrShermichael) July 17, 2024

Singleton absolutely nailed it. Instead of addressing the concerns of everyday Americans, Democrats choose to gaslight and peddle false narratives.

Take the crime issue, for instance. Democrats and their close friends and allies in the activist media have been claiming over the past year that the crime rate is declining brd on questionable data. President Joe Biden has even taken credit for this supposed decrease. However, there is plenty that Democrats are leaving out.

Americans are worried about crime on their streets, but President Biden and the mainstream press corps don’t think that they should be. ABC News claims that “violent crime is dramatically falling.” NBC News asserts that “the drop in crime does not appear to be well understood by large majorities of Americans.” And in his State of the Union address, Biden bragged about a purported drop in crime that was allegedly a result of his efforts.

While the administration and its allies are trying to convince Americans that the crime spike that they think they’ve seen in recent years has been a mirage, the public should trust its own judgment. The best available figures, from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), show a whopping 58 percent rise in violent crime in urban areas from 2019—before the summer of George Floyd, BLM, and the “defund the police” crusade—to 2022, the most recent year for which finalized federal statistics are available.

The numbers are even worse on closer inspection. If one removes from that period the bar fights and other similar encounters that make up much of the “simple assault” category, urban areas have seen a 73 percent spike in more serious violent crimes. That’s a huge rise in violence in the nation’s cities that the media aren’t interested in acknowledging. They are also unwilling to admit that cities have retried the experiment in lax law enforcement first attempted roughly a half-century ago. The verdict is in, and once again, the results are not pretty.

When it comes to economic issues such as rampant inflation, the Biden administration and its propagandists in the press continually try to sell people on the notion that things are just hunky dory. Meanwhile, people are struggling to afford groceries and gas.

During a recent press conference, President Biden claimed, “We had a great economic report showing inflation is down” and “Overall, prices fell last month.”

However, RedState’s Ward Clark set the record straight.

He's wrong. (That's nothing new for this administration.) Grocery costs are still forcing American families to make some painful decisions, and the situation is getting worse, not better.

Parents are expressing their disbelief and frustration regarding the cost of food, with shoppers now posting their massive grocery bills to social media as part of a growing trend.

In one video, a man shared his receipt from a Trader Joe's in Westlake Village, California, as an example of how much money it costs to feed six kids for 10 days.

"Oh, my God," the man said as he scrolled down the $444.38 bill.

Last month, a TikTok influencer, who goes by the handle alchanning, labeled the summer grocery bill the "real mom struggle" of 2024.

Americans are struggling to make ends meet under the Biden administration. In Democrat-run cities, residents are dealing with heightened crime rates. Yet, the answer from Democrats is to pretend they aren’t seeing what they think they are seeing.

No wonder Democrats are relying on “Orange Man Bad” messaging. They literally have nothing to run on other than not being Trump. They had better hope for a miracle in November.

Jeff Charles is the host of "A Fresh Perspective" podcast. He is a contributor for RedState, Newsweek Opinion and also has a Substack called "Chasing Liberty."

Jeff is also a freelance writer and political contributor who has appeared on Fox News, The Hill's "Rising," Fox Soul, Newsmax, and the First TV Network.

He enjoys reading, binging TV shows, learning to play the banjo (badly), and all things nerdy. He also believes that any steak cooked above medium rare is burnt, and an abomination.