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Biden Justice Department to Continue Witch Hunt Against Trump Even If He Wins Election

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

The Supreme Court blew out the core of the legal cases against Donald Trump. If anything, it will permit a review of every case against the former president, as the issue of immunity must be re-evaluated in all four cases since some of the evidence is related to a period when Trump served as president. The Fischer decision, which struck down how the government was using the obstruction of an official proceeding to prosecute January 6 defendants, was described as ripping the wings off the plane of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against the former president. 

Donald Trump has led the Justice Department to veer into extrajudicial and, frankly, insane territory in this years' long effort to ensnare the former president. It hasn’t worked. It’s a witch hunt, which will continue even if Trump wins the 2024 election (via WaPo): 

Justice Department officials plan to pursue the criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day even if he wins, under the belief that department rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, according to people familiar with the discussions. 

That approach may become more consequential given this week’s Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, which probably will lead to further delays to Trump’s election interference trial in D.C. and has already affected one of his state cases. 

Senior law enforcement officials have long viewed the two federal indictments against Trump — the 45th president and the presumptive Republican nominee in this year’s election — as operating with potential time constraints. That’s because of long-standing Justice Department policy that officials cannot criminally charge a sitting president. 

Lawyers in the department do not believe the policy bars them from proceeding against a president-elect, however, according to the people familiar with the discussions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal deliberations. 


Current officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, expressed the same sentiment — that if Trump wins the election, the clock on the two federal cases against him would keep ticking until Jan. 20, when he would be sworn in as the 47th president. 

These people are going to fight until the bitter end. That’s fine. It only gives Trump more of a reason to gut this political arm of the Democratic Party totally. Trump should not make the same mistake twice: don’t keep any holdovers. Fire the clowns, find your people, and do a total overhaul.