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Ari Emanuel Gives Donor Perspective on Status of Team Around Joe Biden

Ari Zev Emanuel is the owner of UFC and WWE organizations.  He’s also the brother of Obama’s former Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the brother of bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel from Obamacare fame (“we relied upon the stupidity of the American voter.”).

The Emanuel brothers are the three sons of Benjamin M. Emanuel, who was active in the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary group in the 1930’s and 40’s.

All three brothers are deeply connected to the network of the professional Democrat political system, and by consequence to the Obama majority faction within the Democrat party apparatus.  In addition to being the insider’s ‘insider’, Ari Emanuel is also a major donor and substantive influence agent.

When Hollywood donors like Ari Emanuel speak, the Democrat party board members listen very closely.  {Direct Rumble Link}  In this recent event, Ari Emanuel gives his opinion of Joe Biden and the team surrounding Biden.  Ari Emanuel doesn’t pull any punches; he doesn’t need to.  Remember, Ari is in alignment with the Barack Obama element of the Democrat apparatus.  WATCH:

Joe Biden is no longer a “candidate,” he is currently the Democrat “nominee” due to prior party voting to avoid the Ohio deadline issue.   Biden isn’t the presumptive nominee, he’s the actual nominee.  As a result, Ari Emanuel talks about the Biden replacement process through the prism of the legal maneuvers still available to the party.

Without directly saying it, Ari Emanuel is telling Joe Biden that he needs to resign and remove the legal hurdles that exist from his status as the Democrat presidential nominee.   Watch this nuance carefully, because this seems to be the most obvious direction that most are not discussing.

Joe Biden is going to have to resign the presidency and decline the 2024 nomination.  That background reality is why the tip-top of the Democrat power pyramid are paying very close attention.