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Election Manipulation Warning: Anatomy of a Ballot Harvest

Jason Belich reporting for RedState 

This article is the 12th installment of the VICI Report, a comprehensive multi-part series exploring the sophisticated use of technology in political operations.  This series aims to uncover the processes, mechanisms, tools, and technologies used by Democrats to master our political processes and to develop strategies that answer and ultimately defeat their manipulations in 2024 and beyond.

Read the previous article in this series, Uncovering Election Vulnerabilities, which highlights the vulnerabilities in the registration and balloting phases of our elections, or start from the beginning of our series.


The electoral process's integrity relies on addressing vulnerabilities at every stage, from voter registration and ballot handling to the act of voting itself. Previous analyses have uncovered significant manipulation risks in these phases, highlighting the need for stringent security measures, robust oversight, and the strategic use of technology. However, these are just the foundational elements of a more complex system.

The next focus is on understanding and countering the sophisticated strategies employed by political actors, particularly the Democrats, to manipulate electoral outcomes. These strategies are not only advanced but are also deeply integrated into the political and technological landscape, showcasing a level of mastery that has revolutionized the electoral battlefield. By leveraging complex systems theory and state-of-the-art technology, these actors can systematically influence voter behavior and election results on a massive scale.

This examination will delve into the methods and tactics used to achieve such influence, emphasizing the role of distributed technology ecosystems, data analytics, and real-time tracking tools. Understanding these sophisticated strategies is crucial for developing effective countermeasures. By adopting similar levels of technological and strategic sophistication, Republicans can enhance their competitive edge, restore public trust, and ensure the integrity of future elections. This exploration aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricate mechanisms at play and the necessary steps to safeguard our republic.

4D Chess Mastery

On social media, "4D Chess" has often been associated with President Trump and his team's ability to outmaneuver their opponents. However, the real "4D Chess" is being played by the Democrats through their sophisticated ballot-harvesting infrastructure. This system is the culmination of billions of dollars of investment and development, creating a level of mastery and sophistication that has revolutionized the electoral landscape. 

The Democrats' ballot harvesting infrastructure represents an advanced and multifaceted strategy that has fundamentally changed the electoral landscape. By mastering each phase of the voting process, from registration to tabulation, they have created a robust mechanism for maximizing voter turnout and ensuring electoral success. By outlining the key points and vulnerabilities across these phases, the sophisticated strategies employed to maintain their edge in elections are exemplified.

Registration Phase

The registration phase is the first critical stage where manipulations can propagate through the system. Errors or fraudulent activities during registration can cause cascading problems that are difficult to detect and correct later. Methods such as motor-voter laws, automatic registration, online systems, and volunteer-driven registration drives provide numerous opportunities for manipulation. For example, motor-voter laws simplify the process but risk inaccuracies if DMV records are outdated. 

Automatic registration can introduce errors if databases are not properly synchronized. Online registration offers convenience but increases the risk of data breaches and fraudulent registrations. Volunteer drives, often conducted by non-profits aligned with Democratic interests, can significantly boost registration numbers but pose risks if not properly monitored. These organizations leverage the ERIC system for real-time voter information, strategically targeting favorable demographics.

Balloting Phase

In the balloting phase, particularly the mail-in/drop-off (MIDO) process, numerous potential manipulation points emerge. Unlike in-person voting, MIDO ballots are handled by multiple parties over an extended period, increasing the risk of tampering and unauthorized access. Ballots can be requested via mail, online, or automatically, with minimal immediate oversight. 

This increases the risk of fraudulent requests and data errors, such as duplicate ballots or ballots sent to outdated addresses. The availability of detailed voter data, including ballot status, allows for targeted manipulation, such as ensuring certain ballots are returned and counted while others are not. Democrats leverage the ERIC system to track these ballots in real-time, giving them a strategic advantage in maximizing turnout and influencing election outcomes.

Voting Phase

The voting phase itself, particularly for MIDO ballots, presents significant vulnerabilities. The security of the ballot, the privacy of the voter, and the potential for unauthorized ballot filling are major concerns. Unlike the controlled environment of in-person voting, MIDO ballots can be filled out under varying degrees of supervision, increasing the risk of coercion or fraud. 

MIDO ballots, which can be handled by individuals other than the voter, are vulnerable to unauthorized handling, tampering, and privacy breaches. The extended time these ballots spend outside secure environments increases their risk of manipulation. Democrats have effectively utilized technology and data to manage these vulnerabilities, ensuring maximum voter participation and security of their ballots.

Tabulation Phase

The tabulation phase involves counting the ballots and ensuring they are securely transported to the tabulation centers. In-person ballots are transported in locked, sealed boxes under strict chain-of-custody procedures. MIDO ballots, however, follow different paths: Postal Mail, Custodial Drop Box, and Non-custodial Drop Box, each with its own vulnerabilities. 

Postal ballots can be lost or delayed, while non-custodial drop boxes, placed in public locations without immediate security, are susceptible to tampering until collected by government officials. Historical ballot security laws and procedures were implemented to prevent manipulation by political machines, and ignoring these lessons introduces enormous risks. Democrats' strategic use of technology in tracking and managing the tabulation process gives them an edge in ensuring their ballots are counted accurately.

The sophistication of the Democrats' ballot-harvesting infrastructure underscores the importance of understanding and countering these strategies. By mastering each phase of the electoral process, they have developed a robust mechanism for securing electoral victories. For Republicans to remain competitive, it is imperative to recognize these sophisticated tactics and invest in similar capabilities to ensure electoral integrity and success.

Broader Implications

The intricate system employed by the Democrats for ballot harvesting has profound implications for the electoral process and public trust in democratic institutions. Each potential manipulation point, from registration to tabulation, undermines the integrity of the electoral system and erodes public confidence. The scale of manipulation enabled by complex systems theory is vast, allowing for individualized influence on a large scale, systematically affecting election outcomes.

Systematic vulnerabilities within the electoral process can severely damage public trust. When voters perceive that the system is open to manipulation, their faith in the legitimacy of election results diminishes. This erosion of trust can lead to decreased voter turnout and increased skepticism about the democratic process.

Complex Systems Theory demonstrates how small manipulations at various points in the electoral process can have large-scale effects. This mathematical framework enables the Democrats to implement strategies that influence large populations systematically. The ability to track and manage individual ballots through sophisticated data systems means that targeted efforts can be scaled to impact overall election outcomes significantly.

Technology plays a dual role in this sophisticated system. On one hand, it serves as a safeguard, ensuring accuracy and security in the voting process. On the other hand, it acts as a powerful tool for manipulation. The integration of data analytics, real-time tracking systems, and digital tools allows for precise targeting and influence of voter behavior. Democrats have effectively harnessed this technology to gain an edge in election mechanics.

These sophisticated strategies highlight the need for Republicans to adapt and develop similar capabilities. Understanding the role of technology and complex systems theory is crucial for competing on an equal footing. By investing in technological infrastructure and data systems, Republicans can enhance their strategic operations and safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.

Final Warning

Understanding Complex Systems Theory is crucial for mastering the modern electoral process. This discipline provides the mathematical and theoretical framework to comprehend how small manipulations can produce large-scale effects. By applying this framework, political actors can identify vulnerabilities and manipulation points within the electoral system, enabling individualized manipulation at scale. The Democrats have demonstrated a profound understanding of this framework, integrating it into their strategic operations to achieve electoral success.

Complex Systems Theory reveals that minor manipulations in the electoral process can have significant, far-reaching impacts. This understanding is essential for developing strategies that effectively influence election outcomes. By mastering complex systems, the Democrats have been able to implement precise interventions that scale up to affect large populations. This systematic approach ensures that every potential vote is captured and counted, maximizing their electoral advantage.

Mastery of political processes and technology is central to this sophisticated strategy. Knowledge of political processes allows actors to exploit specific points within the system effectively. This includes understanding the intricacies of voter registration, the vulnerabilities of the balloting process, the security concerns during voting, and the critical importance of secure tabulation. By mastering these processes, Democrats have been able to implement strategies that maximize their electoral advantage at every level.

Technology plays an equally crucial role in this system. Advanced data analytics, real-time tracking systems, and digital tools have provided Democrats with the ability to monitor and influence voter behavior precisely. The integration and mastery of these technologies, often facilitated by expertise from Big Tech, provide the tools necessary for large-scale manipulation. The ERIC system, for example, aggregates voter information and provides real-time data that can be used to track individual ballots throughout the voting process. This level of technological integration allows for unprecedented precision in managing and influencing votes.

The collective yet distributed nature of technology ecosystems is the ideal vehicle for this manipulation. Distributed technological systems offer plausible deniability and diffuse responsibility among many actors, making it difficult to pinpoint sources of manipulation. This is particularly true when manipulation itself is a complex process spread across multiple steps and actors. For example, social media platforms, data analytics, and digital tracking tools can be used in a coordinated yet distributed manner to influence voter behavior and outcomes. These tools allow for real-time tracking and targeted interventions, ensuring that every potential vote is captured and counted.

Social media platforms play a significant role in shaping public opinion and voter behavior. By leveraging data analytics, political campaigns can tailor their messages to specific demographics, increasing engagement and turnout. Digital tracking tools provide insights into voter preferences and behavior, allowing campaigns to adjust their strategies in real-time. This coordinated approach ensures that resources are used efficiently to maximize voter impact.

The Democrats have effectively utilized these disparate systems to create a sophisticated and adaptive electoral machine. Their ability to coordinate efforts across various platforms and tools has given them a decisive edge in elections. For Republicans to remain competitive, it is imperative to recognize and counter this strategy with equal sophistication.

Sinistra Delenda Est!