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Buckle Up: CDC Lays Groundwork for Next Pandemic

As if on cue, the Centers for Disease Control issued their latest attempt to terrify the public on...spin the wheel...the ball lands on vingt-deux: the horrors of Dengue Fever

Before Barack Obama wandered onto the political scene, the CDC were the undisputed leader in protecting public health and safety through controlling and preventing disease, injury, and disability in the U.S. and the world.  After Obama, you would have to be blind not to see that the CDC have been fully compromised and are no longer a responsible public health organization. 

The COVID debacle was not their finest moment.  If you value your health, you have to question and scrutinize everything that comes from them.

What does that mean?  Well, we sure are getting a whole lot of alerts on the infectious disease du jour.  First it was COVID, then Monkeypox, then the Marburg virus.  Now it is Dengue Fever.  If this is anything like the last manufactured pandemic (that never materialized), where Americans have been conditioned to line up like sheep for an unnecessary, unproven, and experimental — and mandatory — Emergency Use Authorization mRNA vaccine, you can expect a lot of misinformation.

Nicole Acevedo is the latest fear porn reporter and cites an array of statistics to prove the CDC’s thesis on the dangers of Dengue Fever.  The number “of cases” suggests that the occurrence of Dengue is increasing in America.  That may be so, but I challenge her reporting.

My reference is a pre-Obama/Fauci CDC (when they weren’t compromised) product: the U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-11.9, titled “POTENTIAL MILITARY CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL AGENTS AND COMPOUNDS,” with the latest edition published in 2005.  You can find a list of “potential” bioweapons agents on page IV-2.  Right there on the page, nine viruses above the “racist” Monkeypox and Marburg virus is Dengue Fever.

On page 148 of the pdf (or IV-15), directly from the FM, the specifics for “Dengue Fever” are listed.

c. Dengue Fever.

(1) Infectious Agent. Dengue-1, Dengue-2, Dengue-3, and Dengue-4. They are all flaviviruses.  (Any of a family of single-stranded RNA virusestransmitted especially by ticks and mosquitoes and including the causative agents of dengue, hepatitis C, hog cholera, Saint Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus, and yellow fever).

(2) Occurrence. Most countries in the tropics, Africa, Saudi Arabia, and the Americas.

(3) Reservoir. The viruses are maintained in a human mosquito cycle in tropical urban centers; a monkey mosquito cycle serves as a reservoir in southeast Asia and west Africa.

(4) Transmission. By the bite of infective mosquitoes.

(5) Symptoms. An acute febrile viral disease that is characterized by sudden onset, fever for 3 to 5 days, intense headache, myalgia, arthralgia, retro-orbital pain, anorexia, GI disturbances, and rash. Minor bleeding may occur. Epidemics are explosive, but fatalities in the absence of dengue hemorrhagic fever are rare.

(6) Incubation period. From 3 to 14 days, commonly 4 to 7 days.

(7) Communicability. Not directly transmitted from person to person. Patients are infective for mosquitoes from shortly before to the end of the febrile period, usually a period of 3 to 5 days. The mosquito becomes infective 8 to 12 days after the viremic blood meal and remains so for life.

(8) Prevention. Use screening, protective clothing, and repellents and try to eliminate breeding grounds. An experimental vaccine is available.

(9) Delivery. The primary threat is delivery by aerosol release.

An experimental vaccine is available?  You mean, just in time for the CDC to warn of a pandemic or the president to issue a national health emergency?  You have to admit, the timing is suspicious, especially since the Biden administration has let in millions of illegal aliens from Central and South America and Africa.  Were any of those people tested before they were let in? 

Were these cases “new cases”?  The FM details indicate that Dengue Fever is not directly transmitted from person to person.  Has anyone found an infected mosquito with Dengue Fever in the United States?  Not even one?  CDC — this is your area. 

So what happened?  Did thousands of sick and infected illegal aliens go to a hospital complaining of symptoms consistent with Dengue Fever?  You see, before Obama/Fauci and a compromised media and CDC, a real reporter would have “squared the circle” and found out.  Where’s the bug?

The implication of the CDC alert is clear: Dengue Fever is in America, and the president will have to issue another health emergency.  You need to be very afraid of the latest election virus.  But an experimental vaccine is available!  The president is the savior! 

However, like the last political pandemic, you’ll be forced to take an experimental, untested, unapproved concoction of something — like Dengue river swamp water.  Otherwise, you will lose your job.  And you must get jabbed early with whatever Dr. Science’s replacement has to offer.

Every day, we are learning just how corrupt the agents of the FDA and the CDC and their spokespeople and the media have been on COVID-19.  That was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, didn’t you know?  I remember Arnold Schwarzenegger barking into the camera, “Screw you and your freedoms!”

Before the government breaks out another failed vaccine passport program, it might be a good time to review what the official published research conducted for the military indicated, before Obama’s Deep State traitorous liars at the CDC and the FDA and their friends in the media get crazy again and mandate unwarranted experimental mRNA gene therapy, mandatory masks for infants, the totally made up “social distancing,” and another round of lockdowns for Dengue Fever. 

Dengue Fever was not directly transmitted from person to person before Obama and Fauci and Biden.  I’m sure it isn’t today, either.

However, it’s been a fascinating movie to watch.  The world’s craziest or deadliest endemic viruses, like Ebola, Dengue Fever, Lassa, Marburg, and Monkeypox, are found in very meager numbers — but when you let millions of untested, unvaccinated, and infected illegal aliens from all over the planet into the country, the media will seek to terrify you in this election year, and the CDC will suggest they have a vaccine to protect you.  The next pandemic emergency is likely a few days away...for a virus that is not directly transmitted from person to person.