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Biden Tries to Send World Message That He’s Relevant, Important and Strong Leader

During a staged, scripted and rehearsed performance the other night, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden held a ceremony in Italy where the Biden regime signed a non-binding security agreement to protect Ukraine for 10 years.

The agreement is bilateral between Biden and Zelenskyy, and unilateral domestically in that congress doesn’t have to ratify it.  Essentially, it’s just an “I will love you forever” promise between Zelenskyy and Biden intended to make the people with Ukraine flags in their profiles feel better.  Beyond that, if President Trump wins the 2024 election, he can just ignore it (which he will).

Read the agreement HERE – the FACT SHEET is HERE

As noted by Politico:

…”Biden’s aim in Europe is to portray himself as the unquestioned leader of the West, corralling world powers to Ukraine’s side and boosting his global image ahead of the November election. The agreement both serves that purpose and demonstrates his resolve, even as a clear Ukrainian victory against Russia looks less and less likely.” (link)

Joe Biden pledges to support Ukraine’s border but fails to secure ours at home.