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Who's the Next Ally Joe Biden Will Betray for a Few Votes in Michigan?

Joe Biden clearly has a lot of problems — walking, talking, reading, thinking, speaking, even shuffling.

We see some or all of them almost every day, despite increasing staff efforts to hide them. Often, they are painfully funny. The alleged leader of the free world walking awkwardly, like he's about to fall — again. Standing alone strangely, clearly lost on where to go or what to do next.

Unfortunately, the world sees it too. Australian newscasts have regular reports on the latest weird behavior or fumbled speech. Unfortunately, Biden's declining health has practical effects too. It's no coincidence, for instance, that one month after Biden took office, Russia's Vladimir Putin began assembling his forces to invade Ukraine.

Now, however, the dangers have crept into foreign policy. Harry Truman was the first president to recognize the new nation of Israel in 1948. Every president since has fully supported the nation surrounded by potential adversaries.

Joe Biden seemed to do the same, especially after Hamas' terror attacks from Gaza last Oct. 7. 

But now, as my RedState colleagues have reported, in retaliation for Israel proceeding to eliminate Hamas as an existential threat, the United States president has suspended arms and ammunition shipments to the region's only functioning democracy. The reason is obvious: Biden is plummeting in approval in the key swing state of Michigan, where many Muslims live.

Biden is also quietly negotiating with an anti-Israeli group to isolate Jewish settlers on the West Bank. What would be Americans' reaction if we discovered a foreign nation was working with George Soros to help him foment unrest and turmoil in our country?

This is not what a genuine friend does to allies.

That is the subject of this week's audio commentary.

Speaking of George Soros and domestic unrest, the country has witnessed numerous occupations, intimidations, and even violence on college campuses in recent weeks. Rampant antisemitism episodes. With timid and tardy push-back from the shuffler-in-chief.

Classes canceled — even cancellations of joyous Commencement ceremonies, the capstone of an arduous academic career that has many cost thousands of dollars.

And the impact of these disruptions by naive students and paid instigators will not end now. As I detailed in this week's column, these same "protesters," who are really just disrupters of our society, are making plans to assault this summer's national political conventions.

The Democrats will gather in Chicago just one week from the 56th anniversary of their disastrous 1968 national convention in the same city that turned into a week-long riot. 

News media may well cherish the events as good for business. But they're not good for the nation.

The most recent audio commentary examined some startling changes, uncovered by Gallup research, in Americans' sleep patterns and habits. For most Americans, except not one.

Not so good for health overall.

Finally, sad to report that the political censorship by Big Tech continues. Google banned a Donald Trump campaign ad targeting black voters, which has emerged as a vulnerable facet of Joe Biden's professed determination for another term to continue his destructive policies.