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The Left, Win or Lose, Will Never Give Up

I’m not a great believer in polls, especially right now.  I’m sure there is some truth to them, some attempts at accuracy. Pollsters need a modicum of precision or they lose credibility.  And if they lose credibility, they lose money.  But, at best, I’m suspicious about polls, especially several months before an election, especially since 2016 and 2022.  The only poll that will really matter is the one taken on November 5.  

But currently, just about all the polls indicate that Donald Trump is ahead, and some say by a significant margin, even in most of the so-called “swing states.”  This information has caused a lot of Republicans and pro-Trump people to be filled with glee.  “Polls have Trump ahead.  He’s going to win!”  Hope indeed springs eternal.

These polls do look good for Mr. Trump, but we all understand the need for prudence.  There are too many months between now and the election, too many variables that can intervene.  The Democrats, of course, are going to do everything they can to win the election, and that means they will try to steal votes, cheat, lie, do whatever they think necessary.   But Biden and the Democrats have some serious problems now, and that’s good news for Trump and his supporters, too.

This past Easter, Biden’s blatant, blasphemous “transgender” attack on Christianity was not unintentional.  It was 100% deliberate.   It may end up being a political mistake, but it was premeditated when he did it.  

I think most of us understand that Joe Biden scarcely knows what he's doing.  He is a tool, what Vladimir Lenin called a “useful idiot.”  Biden is old, he's senile, demented, and he never was very smart to begin with.  Biden is not the mastermind behind all this left-wing rot.   Some people think it’s Barack Obama.  I don't know, but whoever Biden's handlers are, they're the ones pushing this decadence.  And those people are pure, 100% Leftists.  Religiously so.

This is not the Democratic Party that we old-timers grew up with—the Party of JFK, LBJ, Hubert Humphrey, etc.  While there is some ideological affinity, this current Democratic Party has gone far, far to the left, and has become anti-America, anti-Judeo/Christian, anti-family, and anti-anything they perceive hampers their totalitarian agenda.  These people don’t truly care about transgenders, or black people, or illegals, or climate change.  Their only concern is power, and they will use whatever they believe will help them achieve it.   And, concomitantly, they will also attack, with full intent to destroy, everything they think might keep them from obtaining the power they crave.  Thus, they assault Christianity, the family, and traditional American values—those virtues and values they believe oppose their will to power.   They are pro-Hamas, pro-black, and pro-transgender only insofar as those things will help them obtain absolute power.  These people care about no one but themselves and their own power.

As an example, let’s examine “man-made climate change.”  Dictatorial Leftists couldn’t care less about it, and probably don’t even believe in it.  “Climate change” is purely political, a mechanism through which to propagandize, to brainwash, to create a globalist, totalitarian structure centering increased power and money in their hands.  Traditional American values combat the totalitarianism that is the core of Leftist beliefs.  Thus, they loathe traditional America.

As I’ve noted before, the current Left is rooted in Marxian atheism.  That is from whence much of their ideological foundation arises.  And if there is no God, then the government becomes the highest authority on this earth.  God thus becomes the greatest enemy.  People must submit to a totalitarian government, not God.  Leftism is anti-God, anti-Judeo/Christian, anti-traditional America because all those things lead to freedom and opposition to Leftism’s globalist, Marxist, totalitarianism.

Thus, the Left has no true interest in transgenders or blacks or Hamas or climate change—except as they can be employed to gain power.  It’s crucial for Americans to understand that the Democratic Party, as currently constituted, is just as “left” as Xi Jinping, the Soviet Union, Lenin, Stalin—that cadre of Marxists.  American Leftists have the same ideologically godless, totalitarian roots as their ancestors.  It's not Joe Biden behind all this.  He is the dummy of the ventriloquist and speaks only what his Leftist handlers put in his mouth.  

However, they may be pushing their agenda a little too hard right now, and that is perhaps why Trump is leading in the polls.  But the Left isn’t going to stop.  They might need to moderate a bit in order to try to win this year; Lenin said “two steps forward, one step back.”   So, there may be some recalculations before the election to ensure victory.  But a leopard can’t change its spots.  They won’t quit coming.  If Trump wins in November, the Left will not give up.  Leftism is what they are, it's what they believe, it's WHO they are, and nothing but complete obliteration will ever halt them. 

They won’t stop, and there is nothing they will not do to grasp and hold power.  They may even eventually, if they feel it's necessary, and if they think they can get away with it, drive the country to internecine war.  Lenin did it in Russia, Mao in China, and Castro in Cuba.  Power is the Left’s raison d’etre, and they have proven elsewhere they will stop at no amount of dead bodies to gain it.  

So, never forget that the Left will do whatever is necessary to achieve power, and right now the Left totally controls the Democratic Party—the hard Marxist, atheist Left.  That's what Easter was all about—a direct assault on Christianity.  The Left is thoroughly evil, for there is no moral stopping point for them on their road to power.  No evil is too great.  They’ve proven that, time and time again.  They will even eat their own when necessary.

Trump may currently be ahead.  But the Left is far from finished.  Even if Trump wins.