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The Deranged and Dangerous Ideology That Undergirds the Left's Rage

It was another chaotic night on Tuesday as police moved into Columbia University to finally liberate Hamilton Hall. Police entered the building in force, arresting over a hundred pro-Hamas fanatics, many of whom had broken out windows to occupy and desecrate the building a day prior. 

Suddenly, the courageous revolutionaries who had hung a banner demanding a "global intifada" from an upper-floor window weren't so brave anymore. Instead, they threw themselves down flights of stairs and curled into the fetal position while shrieking about supposed police brutality. 

They have learned to play the game well. 

The performative nonsense meant to paint the aggressors as meek victims wasn't a new development. It was merely a continuation of the "oppression" ideology we've seen play out many times before, whether in Gaza or on American streets. 

The idea is simple if not completely deranged. According to the left-wing mind, there are only oppressors and the oppressed. There are no bystanders, and the oppressed are not dictated by actual acts of oppression. Rather, the oppressed exist within a framework of victimhood determined by identity and status. 

Did "Palestinians" invade Israel on October 7th, killing over a thousand people in cold blood? Yes, but that doesn't matter because they are "brown" and poor. Thus, they are oppressed, and nothing they do matters, including the fact that they are only poor because of their dedication to terroristic goals. "Palestinians" can't victimize others, they can only be victims.

That's how you end up with stuff like this. 

To the leftist mind, the "oppressed" are always morally superior and practically preferable, even if the "oppressed" are actually violent thugs who would throw them off a roof if given the chance. Of course, those espousing such insane contradictions do so from the safe confines of Western countries they openly despise.

That's how it always works. These modern "justice" movements are rarely led by the downtrodden and morally just. Rather, they are led by trust-fund kids who otherwise have no purpose in life. Destruction is all they know, and like their Hamas allies overseas, they want to lash out only to immediately demand "humanitarian aid" without any concessions. 

At the moment, all of this seems comical. It becomes far more dangerous when you realize these Ivy League radicals are going to be given a lifetime of tenure at America's universities, and that's if they aren't elected to political office first. "Oppression" ideology is pervasive and all-encompassing. It's how these "protesters" move from one "cause" to the other so quickly. 

The cause isn't even the point. It's simply a vehicle and one that is changed out with regularity. Destroying the system they have all greatly benefited from is the goal, and they will stop at nothing until they reach it.