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The Biden Regime Bows Down to China. Again.

The State Department will welcome the Chinese Communist Party's "Special Envoy for Climate Change" — Liu Zhenmin — to Washington, D.C., this week for bilateral meetings of the "Working Group on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s." Just as it sounds, the summit is a ploy to sell the farm to the CCP in the name of Democrats' climate alarmism while China eats America's lunch and U.S. security is further eroded.

The Biden administration says the climate talks are "aimed at accelerating concrete climate actions this decade" and will focus on areas including "energy transition, methane and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases, circular economy and resource efficiency, low-carbon and sustainable provinces/state and cities, and deforestation." The head U.S. representative to the meeting is Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy John Podesta. 

The Biden administration is welcoming China's climate envoy despite the CCP's many malign actions ranging from genocide to corporate espionage, not to mention its role in the axis of evil along with Russia, North Korea, and Iran. On the topic of climate, specifically, China is among the world's worst polluters — making Biden's phony show of international cooperation even more pathetic. 

In short, China is using American Democrats' climate change alarmism to force the U.S. into neutering its energy and industry while it does nothing to crack down on its own environment-damaging practices. Remember the Beijing Olympics where athletes were almost too ill to compete due to abysmal air quality? At the same time, China is the source of most of the "green" (read: not at all green) technology Biden and his party say Americans must buy. 

As the Heritage Foundation reiterated in a report released this week, "the U.S. government has introduced a variety of policies to mandate the use of 'green energy" and reduce carbon emissions. While supporting a clean environment is a noble cause, current efforts have not only compromised elements of U.S. national security but also generated new vulnerabilities that America's greatest adversary, the PRC, is exploiting."

This increasingly dire reality is because the left's "imperative to mitigate any effects of climate change necessitates both cheap and subsidized Chinese-manufactured infrastructure in the form of solar panels, wind turbines, grid storage, and electric vehicle (EV) batteries," the Heritage report emphasizes. "It should also necessitate comprehensive agreements with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to curb China's own emissions, which it, egregiously, does not."

Instead of acting in good faith bound by agreements to which Biden and previous Democrat presidents have entered the U.S. — such as the Paris Climate Agreement — the CCP uses "environmental causes to extract concessions from the U.S. and other Western countries, dangling the prospect of vague, intangible cooperation on climate issues in exchange for the U.S. and others acceding to its geopolitical demands."

Among the many threats to America's security at home as well as its ability to support allies around the globe posed by Biden's inane energy agenda is the inability to produce resources and necessary components in the U.S. The Heritage report emphasizes that "current efforts to force a green energy transition could restrict available energy resources that the U.S. Armed Forces would need to carry out their responsibilities around the world—a grave vulnerability that the United States cannot accept."