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Biden Aides Lament the 'Psychological Torment' the President Is Suffering

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden's handlers are worried about him suffering "psychological torment." That's the story after several staffers told Politico that his mental health may be at risk if his son ends up in prison. 

Hunter Biden is currently set to stand trial on June 3rd in Delaware on gun charges. He's also set to face a federal jury over tax evasion sometime after that. The president's son faced a final setback in early May after a judge denied his appeal to delay the proceedings in Delaware.

This has apparently left Biden distraught and angry, with staffers avoiding the subject for fear of beratement.

While aides insist that the White House will have no involvement in the case, brought by special counsel David Weiss, some fear it could dramatically impact the president himself, more psychologically than politically.

Three advisers granted anonymity to speak about private deliberations said they, and members of the First Family, are worried about the weight Hunter Biden’s trial will place on the president at an already difficult time for him politically. Biden has expressed fears to them about the possibility that his son will serve time in prison.

“He worries about Hunter every single day, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep,” said one of the three advisers. “That will only pick up during a trial.”

On the one hand, I suppose I understand how a father would worry about his son, even if his son is a corrupt scumbag who allegedly abused women. On the other hand, no one is forcing Joe Biden to be president. If this is all too much to bear, and it seems to be, then he's welcome to retire with the multi-millions he made being a career politician to one of his multiple mansions. 

Am I supposed to feel empathy for the president's situation despite much of it being self-inflicted by his repeated coddling of and excuse-making for a son who needed tough love long before he committed federal crimes? This idea that there's no other option but for the president to suffer in silence underneath the weight of his office is nonsense. Joe Biden is welcome to go to Rehoboth Beach full-time if he'd like. He could even attend Hunter Biden's trial to show his support. 

Does this sound like a guy who is up for his current job?

But there is a gingerness among the president’s team about how to approach the matter. With few exceptions, White House aides don’t bring up the subject of Hunter Biden with the president, for fear of an angry rebuke or an icy stare, according to two of those people familiar with the president’s reactions. All spoke only on condition of anonymity to describe the personal elements of the presidency.

Given Joe Biden's past struggles with anger, it's not a surprise that his staff are terrified to bring up the subject. You would think a president who is currently losing his reelection campaign would understand the need to have a coherent political strategy. If he's so psychologically broken, then he has no business being president. The results so far speak for themselves.

At the end of the day, Hunter Biden deserves to go to prison. If that's too much stress for Joe Biden, then he should step aside. What shouldn't be expected is for anyone to feel sorry for either of them.