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Why Does Trudeau Refuse To Abandon His Pro-Putin ‘No Business Case’ LNG Policy?


Eco radicals like Trudeau & Guilbeault are putting their crazy beliefs ahead of Canada’s values and ahead of the need for our allies to escape reliance on Russian energy supplies.

Justin Trudeau appears unable to grasp how defending democracy requires Canada to make the most of our natural resources.

Canada has what our allies need – a massive amount of affordable energy.

Exporting more of that energy not only helps our democratic allies in Europe and Asia, but also weakens the power of Putin’s Russia.

The more we sell affordable energy to our allies, the stronger our allies will become, meaning they can spend more on their militaries. 

The more we sell affordable energy to our allies, the weaker Russia’s energy sector will become, meaning they have less money to spend on their military.

So, one of the best ways to help Ukraine and oppose Russia is to sell more energy – particularly more LNG.

That’s what Poland – one of the countries doing the most to build up their military and meet (and vastly exceed) their NATO commitments – is asking for:

And yet, as noted by Chief Billy Morin, the Liberals are standing in the way:

“Direct conversations between Indigenous leaders & Poland National representation have taken place, where Indigenous leaders made it clear they want to be apart of Energy Security solution to allies like . But we continuously see an inept federal government stall our participation to help strengthen that security, & build prosperity through LNG. “

Let’s be completely clear about what this means:

While Trudeau and the Liberals launch false attacks against the Conservatives, it turns out that Trudeau is the one who is pushing a pro-Putin energy policy by claiming there is no ‘business case’ for increased LNG exports to our democratic allies and thus increasing Russia’s potential market share.

Trudeau & Guilbeault have put their eco-radical ideology ahead of what is best for Canada and our allies.

Combined with their disturbing affinity for Communist China and Radical Islamists, we can add a pro-Putin energy policy to the list of ways the Liberals have turned Canada in a horrible direction.

Spencer Fernando
