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Should Melania Trump Work Alongside Log Cabin Republicans? In a Word, Yes

Jerry Wilson reporting for RedState 

Former First Lady Melania Trump is scheduled to make her first campaign appearance following the passing of her mother in January 2024 at a Log Cabin Republicans fundraiser in Florida. The event will take place on April 20 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Log Cabin Republicans is an organization dedicated to representing LGBT conservatives and electing Republicans to office. In its own words:

Log Cabin Republicans have a proud history of fighting to build a stronger, more inclusive Republican Party. LGBT Republicans and straight allies have chosen to transform the GOP from the inside, working to overcome the forces of exclusion and intolerance.

Mrs. Trump’s involvement with the organization is not sitting well with some, including former Trump senior legal adviser and outspoken Christian Jenna Ellis.

Faith and politics are, at best, inelegant dance partners. Faith, when earnestly practiced, demands zero compromise. Politics, save for a one-party rule scenario or a reasonable facsimile thereof, is a constant struggle of give-and-take where no one gets everything they want in order for all to get something they desire. Ideological purity is a luxury even the most strident practitioners quickly discover belongs to sideline commentators alone. No one likes it, but such is life in a constitutional republic.

It drives Trump detractors to distraction when the response to, “You say you’re a Christian, so how can you support such an obvious sinner as Trump?” is, “We’re electing a President, not a pastor.” And, despite the many errors Trump's detractors see in the man's walk with God, and their belief that he lacks humility, the penultimate line of Micah 6:8 attracts other Christians to Trump.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Tired of politicians openly disrespecting the faith or committing personal atrocities such as proclaiming themselves to be good Catholics while wholeheartedly endorsing abortion without limits, Trump, despite his shortcomings, has evidenced respect for believers and what they believe. Christians know Trump is a sinner because they know we're all sinners. There is a willingness among Christian voters to forgive Trump his shortcomings because while he is not exactly a shining paragon of virtuous living, during his time in office he didn’t actively oppose and legally belittle what Jesus’ followers believe.

As to the argument that Christians shouldn’t support or work with groups whose lifestyles are declared in Scripture to be contrary to God’s directives … to put it politely, so what? The government cannot legislate morality. Neither can a Christian completely isolate himself or herself from the world unless one feels called to become a cloistered monk or nun. Christians are called to be witnesses and to serve others. Working alongside someone for the common good and purpose does not equal condoning how they live. And if we withdraw from people, who then will serve as a witness to the people?

During Jesus’ time on earth, He ate with publicans and tax collectors with the same ease He broke bread with Pharisees. Does this mean He condoned or turned a blind eye to sin? Of course not. When Jesus ate at the house of Zacchaeus the tax collector, note what Zacchaeus said:

“Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”

Does anyone believe this came about because Jesus spent the meal’s entirety giving Zacchaeus an endless stream of attaboys? Yeah, no.

The Prince of Peace should always trump politics (no pun intended). That said, if we are to be a witness in the often godless world of politics, we must remember that we alone can bring truth and light, always mindful that we are precisely the same as those who would work alongside us if we allow — namely, sinners in need of God’s grace every day. If God can work through Donald Trump, He can work through the Log Cabin Republicans. He can even work through us. He has the power. Let Him use us to demonstrate His might.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: It should be noted that many prominent members of Log Cabin Republicans have publicly proclaimed their faith as Christians, including former Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell and current LCR national president Charles Moran. And, the organization officially supports parental rights/notification policies, opposes allowing minors to receive so-called "gender-affirming" care, and lobbies against "radical gender theory/trans ideology" in statehouses across the country.)