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Salon Gaslights Readers, Claims Attacks on Women in NYC Were 'Unleashed by MAGA'

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

The far-left Salon magazine is blaming the rise of random attacks on women in New York City on men who are supportive of the MAGA movement.

In a commentary by writer Amanda Marcotte, the writer starts out by explaining the recent phenomenon and noting that men of "different races and ages" are responsible:

Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated.

Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages. Still, across the different stories, a couple of similarities pop out: The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked.


CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized.

Marcotte goes on to claim that such appalling incidents were "unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement":

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.


The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men.

Unsurprisingly, people quickly took to the X platform to mock these ridiculous claims:

While we will never know the identity of most of the lowlifes responsible for such behavior, it seems unlikely that the majority of those responsible are Trump supporters, particularly given that New York City is deep Democratic territory. According to The Gotham Gazette, Joe Biden defeated Trump by a margin of 76 to 23 percent in New York City back in 2020, while Hillary Clinton won 79 percent of the vote to Trump’s 18 percent.

Salon, meanwhile, is notorious for pushing such ridiculous commentaries, presumably in the hope of clickbait revenue. Among its various suggestions over the years: lowering the required age to run for president, apologizing for pedophilia, and arguing that Christian nationalism is a "bigger threat to America than Hamas."