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Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags in Victory as Another $61 Billion Spending Bill Passes

Pouring salt in an open wound, House Democrats gleefully waved Ukraine flags in the Capitol chamber celebrating the elevation of Ukraine as a sovereign proxy state for congressional largess over the needs of American citizens.

Most of the $61 billion sent into the Ukraine laundry operation today will be returned to congressional leadership pacs via campaign donations from the military contractors and NGO recipients.

Despite the prior concerns, the Democrat and Republican beneficiaries of this massive money laundering were thrilled the USIC organized Iran missile firing operation against Israel worked so perfectly.  You can see Democrats wave the flags of Ukraine in celebration within this video.  It’s sickening. WATCH:

WASHINGTON DC – […] The vote on Ukraine became so contentious that some Republicans, also taking umbrage with the Ukraine flags on the House floor, started to boo them. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) ran up to a microphone to tell her colleagues across the aisle: “Put those damn flags away.” (more)