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Trump Trials, Election Interference, and Democrats' Severe Miscalculation

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

There's an old saying that a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. That appears to be a foreign idea to the Democratic Party, which can't help but overplay its hand at nearly every opportunity. 

With the latest news that the Supreme Court will take up the case of whether Donald Trump has broad presidential immunity, that is being illustrated again. As RedState reported, the nation's highest court will expedite its decision, but the result will likely be a trial that doesn't occur until after November's election. 

How did things end up here? Is it because the Supreme Court is hopelessly corrupt and participating in an "insurrection," as many MSNBC personalities like to suggest? 

To put it succinctly, no, that's not how we ended up here. Rather, the timeline that currently plagues Democrat attempts to take down Trump before the 2024 election is completely self-inflicted. To offer another example, here's Liz Cheney fretting that the Supreme Court will decide the issue. 

What's so amazing about Cheney's gnashing of teeth is that if it weren't for her and her cohorts on the January 6th Committee, Trump's trial likely would have already taken place. That's where the self-inflicted wound comes in. 

Essentially all of the "evidence" that has been presented by Special Counsel Jack Smith to support the election-related indictment of Trump was already known by mid-2021. Had the DOJ simply charged the former president by the end of the year, none of these issues of timing would have even come into play. The Supreme Court would have already delivered a ruling on immunity, and it's possible a trial would have already taken place. 

Why didn't that happen? The answer is that Democrats and their useful pawns in Cheney and Adam Kinzinger wanted to try to influence the 2022 election with the January 6th Committee and its politically-timed "report." They were so desperate for the spotlight and so obsessed with slow-rolling the process in an attempt to cause Republicans maximum political harm, that they ended up trying to thread a needle that couldn't be threaded. 

The original plan, which was telegraphed, was to have the January 6th report cost Republicans in the 2022 election and then time the actual trials so that Trump as the nominee would end up convicted before the 2024 election. Had Democrat politicians swallowed their pride and stepped aside in mid-2021 to let the DOJ move quickly, they would have lost some political momentum, but they would have all but ensured that Trump was taken to trial even before the presidential primary. 

They didn't do that, though. They wanted to have their cake and eat it too, and now, they've lost control of the timeline. It was sheer political greed, and it's backfiring. So while Chris Hayes, Liz Cheney, and others cry a river over the latest developments, it is their own hubris that led to them. There's something poetic about that.