America’s military decline is deliberate

Our military recruiting programs are abysmal failures. Similarly, the retention of our best and brightest military officers, NCOs, and enlisted personnel is a sad commentary on the military force structure. Our warrior class is not wanted, so it is abandoning military service.
The woke and weakened military is no accident, nor is Biden the principal cause of this problem. Biden cannot craft any strategy that would transform an institution like the military into a socialistic morass.
For that, we must look to Obama. He crafted the strategy and set the wheels in motion. Over five years, Obama fired 197 senior military officers who did not agree with his foreign policy nor his vision of the role to be played by the military. The coup of our country’s warrior class leadership had begun.
This coup created a void in the ranks of our nation’s senior generals and admirals, and Obama began filling that void with sycophants who saw the opportunity for promotion. Over the ensuing 12 years, each promotion cycle focused upon more like-minded generals and admirals who, coincidentally, had been groomed and selected by those Obama initially chose to replace the “fired 197.” The message became crystal clear: Go woke or go home. Biden’s inner circle has simply followed the Obama recipe.
And so, we got the likes of Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who was followed by the new Joint Chiefs Chairman Charles Q. Brown, Jr. The superintendents of our woke military academies (see, i.e., the DEI minor at West Point) are also products of this philosophical screening.
Under these new woke leaders, we have CRT and DEI infecting our current and future soldiers, sailors, marines, and guardians. Woke seminars, drag queen shows, and racial quotas are the orders of the day. Worst of all, this system replenishes itself with each successive generation of woke generals and admirals. These woke senior officers now select and promote the next generation...and so on.
It will take a concentrated effort to stop this generational decline in our military’s poor focus upon combat readiness and effectiveness. The loss of warrior-class recruits is no accident. The departure of warrior-class service men and women is a tragedy. The military is a shallow and uninviting shadow of its former self. Our military must return to its former lethal greatness.
But for now, Obama is smiling, Biden remains clueless, and the American people are vulnerable.
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