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☹ Thinking of NCIS LA a year after the plug was officially pulled


A year ago today, I woke up from a nap in the evening, went to NCIS LA's Twitter page to see if anything was up (that was my go to place for news 1st thing after waking up at the time), and I found this at the top:

Yup, that was how I found out that in 4 months from then, I would be seeing the final episode of what was a special part of my life for so long.

I wasn't that disappointed, in a way I kind of expected it at some point. The signs were there, and as you all know, I was beyond tired of the never ending Where's Hetty charade.

Still though, sadness was there. Because of how long it lasted and how it changed my life.

And as you probably all know, for the next 4 months, I laid out on here allll my expectations and anxiety about what I wanted out of the last episodes, and I even got my biggest wish to be featured in a big wish list article on TV Line!

In the end, I still got this, in another way, along with big unanswered questions I want answered after months of delays. (and being anxious because I don't know if I'm once again in over my head)

This show will always be special to me, no matter how many times I complained about the writing, and plenty of other things.

Maybe 1 day, that sequel movie I want will be made, or the show will get an amazing spot in another future crossover. And maybe 1 day I'll have a brand new photo of Linda to post.

Till then, I'll be here with the memories and keeping track of the NCIS Verse, and waiting for my dreams to be fulfilled.