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Does Obama Need a Weakened Biden?

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Noodle on this for a minute before we begin: Given Joe Biden's steadily declining mental acuity and Barack Obama's insatiable desire for ultimate power, does the former president need the current president to remain precisely where he is — in the Oval Office — in a reliably-weakening role?

If the answer is "yes," then this question follows: Would the Democrat Party — still enamored beyond rationality with Barack and Michelle Obama — allow the above scenario to continue into 2025 and beyond?

While I'm mostly a "No way," the possibility is worthy of discussion.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, believes it's worth discussing, as well. Greenfield recently wrote:

 Obama’s 2020 efforts on Biden’s behalf didn’t end there. He was also instrumental in creating the so-called party unity commissions that brought [Bernie] Sanders’ staff and allies together with Bidens’ — a move that has had a lasting impact on Biden’s first-term policy agenda. 

The officials and operatives who served on these committees wrote a party platform that incorporated a number of progressive priorities. They also formed relationships that would carry forward into Congress and the Biden White House. We found that progressive leaders in Congress like Pramila Jayapal forged close ties with Biden’s first chief of staff, Ron Klain, during this period.

Makes sense, doesn't it? 

While keyboard jockeys across the country have written innumerable articles claiming that far-left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her fellow Squad comrades have been behind Biden's lurch to the far-left, Barack Obama is not only way smarter than AOC & Co., but he's also revered by the Democrat Party hierarchy and the liberal media — and far more connected.

So if Obama does indeed want the embattled president to stick around, he needs a weakened Biden, to be able to control him. Let's not forget what Obama allegedly said about Biden in 2020:

Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up.

As we've seen over the last three years, Biden's ability has steadily "improved." 

Greenfield pointed to some of the differences between a weak 2020 Biden and the weakened Biden of 2024.

In 2020, the weakness was ‘organic’ and came from primary battles. The unity commission headed off the concern that Biden would be dealing with a bitterly divided party the way that Hillary Clinton did because of her more roughshod method of taking control of the DNC.

But the ‘weakness’ now is different. There’s no real organic competition, instead Biden is an unpopular candidate.

And this time around Obama’s people are offering a leftward tilt as the answer to bringing in the youth vote. (But then again when have Obama and the Left ever offered any other solution?)

Biden rented his administration to Obama, Sanders, Warren, the Squad, etc in order to secure the nomination. The goal is to make the deal all over again.

Again, would the Democrat Party allow that to happen — vs. kicking Joe to the curb and installing a replacement candidate/nominee not named Kamala Harris? 

Speaking of replacement candidates, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (Gov. Hair Gel, to some) has been wildly chomping at the bit to jump into the race, sans Biden. But what about former First Lady Michelle Obama? Might she be interested in the job?

So Where Does Michelle Stand?

As I reported last Thursday in an article titled, Is Michelle Obama About to 'Wiggle Into' the 2024 Presidential Race?, New York Post columnist Cindy Adams warned that Americans shouldn't be shocked if Mrs. Obama "sneaks her way into the 2024 race." 

Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Our codger-in-chief can’t even read the prewritten script in front of him fast enough to pronounce the words. So, forget him — which most of us already have.

Coming back now — Obama. Not him. HER! We’ve heard this drumbeat for a while. Now it’s louder. Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the orchestra leader.

Obama’s quietly angling for Joe to go. He’s weaseled up to this for a few weeks. Mouths aren’t talking. But mouths are knowing.

Over one year ago, summer of 2022, she was in NYC meeting several big hedge CEOs, and said, “I am running, and I am asking for your support.

Adams added a valid point about the Obamas:

Pay attention to them gurgling and burbling about the election. About concern over Joe’s crappy polling, about bad Trump, about everything but Bad Bad LeRoy Brown. Obamas aren’t into casual statements.

While I'm not ready to believe the possibility, I'm also not ready to discount anything happening in either party over the next ten months. 

As for Barack Obama, if he does want a weakened Biden to remain in the White House, it appears that his "weakening" days are over; Joe is more than capable of handling that gig entirely by himself, now.