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The Biden Regime Hasn't Just Abandoned You, It's Actively Subjecting You to an Invasion

The federal government has many jobs. In fact, I'd say it has more than it should, but one of its primary duties is to guard and protect our borders. Since day one of the Biden administration, it has done its level best to ignore that duty and at times, make it even harder for the states to do. 

As Becca Lower reported recently, Texas has made moves to batten down the border and see to it that the uncontrolled flow of illegal immigration is halted. The Biden administration's response was to threaten to sue Texas for the effort to do what the federal government is refusing to do: 

(CBS News) The Justice Department said it would file a lawsuit against SB4if Texas did not assure federal officials by Jan. 3 that the state would refrain from enforcing the law as planned in March, according to a letter sent to Gov. Greg Abbott on Dec. 28 and obtained by CBS News. In addition to creating illegal entry crimes at the state level, the law would allow Texas judges to issue de facto deportation orders.

In its letter, the Justice Department said SB4 would effectively criminalize actions that are already illegal at the federal level, undermine relations with Mexico and prevent officials from enforcing federal immigration laws, including those designed to grant refuge to migrants fleeing persecution.

The ever-ridiculous KJP doubled down on the federal government's decision by referring to Texas's border protection as racist, claiming that the immigration laws don't "make the communities in Texas safer" and saying Republicans are just trying to "demonize immigrants and also dehumanize immigrants."

This is all ridiculous, of course. Not only does illegal immigration bring waves of crime of all kinds, including drug and sex trafficking, but it's not just the people of Texas who are affected either. Blue cities such as Chicago and New York are also being invaded. 

And that's the issue. We're being invaded and our government is helping. It would be one thing if they were doing nothing. In fact, that would be preferable to what they're doing now, which is actively trying to hold the border open so that more illegal immigrants can come in. 

Our own federal government has sided with the invasion force. 

At this point, it's not too extreme to say that your own federal government has turned against you. It's continuously tried to empower anything that could possibly cause you problems like the IRS, and weaponized federal agencies like the FBI against parents looking after their children. 

And the open border is just one more example of how your own government has abandoned its duties and actively worked against you. It is you vs. them, and you still have to endure one more year of the Biden administration's control over your nation. 

It's safe to say that it has to be stopped. This kind of anti-American government is unsustainable and our nation will bear the scars the Biden admin inflicted on it for decades to come. And who knows what kind of fallout we'll experience from so much illegal immigration as time progresses. We're not just talking about cartel members here. We're also talking about radical terrorists from the Middle East and agents from other countries. 

Your federal government is not your federal government. It serves its own purposes, not yours.