Monday, December 18, 2023

“Slowly at first. Then suddenly, all at once”

♦ The southern border is unprotected and not secure, because the people in control of the protection and security do not want our borders protected and secure.

The consequences, the all hell breaking loose part, is not a matter of if, but when.  We are in the slow, consistent beginning phase right now, but it will escalate quickly.

Slowly at first, then all at once. That’s the design of extremism when seeded as a change mechanism.  This is also why there is so much leftist agitation and emphasis on keeping the DOJ, FBI and all other federal law enforcement agencies focused on the wrong threat.  This is the cultural aspect, the politically correct aspect, and it is part of the design.

♦ When does the “all at once” break out?

We already know the most likely answer to that question, and the trigger encompasses the one entity who could do something about it, someone who could change the dynamic and confront the effort head on – Donald Trump.

All of the systems targeting Donald Trump are the exact same systems working toward the goals and objectives of the ‘fundamental change.’  This is the cold and stark reality.  You can see it, and many more can see it every day; the awakening is a painfully slow and deliberate process, and the clock is ticking quickly now.

People can wax philosophically about the political intent of open borders as a process for demographic change to the benefit of one political party. I’m not going to debate that issue, because it is esoteric and ignores the bigger part of this dynamic; what is happening in this lawless system is the ‘fundamental change’ part – the holy grail for the radicals.

The situation is dire, but it is not without hope.  Reversing the issue is possible, but deporting and expelling all of the elements of danger is not impossible.  Anyone in front of this issue is going to face a level of attack akin to what we witness Trump facing daily.  We must use the visibility of the enemy intent, their anger, as a tool to continue awakening people.

The attack against Israel by Hamas, and what we are witnessing on the streets in America, via the pro-Hamas rallies, are visual demonstrations to the extent of the radical imported elements that are part of this ideological effort.

Again, the pretending version says, “pro-Palestinian,” but the non-pretending reality is that crowds of terrorist supporters are “pro-Hamas,” gleefully defending the murder, torture, rape and killing of people they do not like.  Don’t sugar coat it.

These pro-Hamas supporters -including the indoctrinated sheeple- are self-identifying; they will need to be confronted.  Their current empowerment stems from the reality that aligned radicals are in charge of the main cultural, social and political institutions around us.

♦ The Lawfare strategy against Donald Trump is weak, generally propped up by this national pretending, and the weak arguments collapse when challenged by the remaining vestiges of constitutional law and order.  This is why you should pay very close attention to the nuance of that battle.  Donald Trump is the trigger for “all at once.”

I believe Donald Trump will succeed.  However, within that success… few will be prepared for the institutional response.

Radicals get violent in defeat.   Look around; remind yourself of our recent history when the radicals get desperate – even in soft defeats.  These are not stable people.

You have choices right now.

Do not be one of the pretenders.

Prepare your life in big and small ways to be anti-fragile, stable, self-sustaining, prepared and able to withstand a barrage of efforts which will come against those who choose not to accept this ‘fundamental change’ demand.

We are talking about life now, issues of quality of life, what you will accept and what you will not accept, and those issues are different for each person.

The immediate issue, the one you should be first to prepare for, is your physical safety when the “slowly” changes to “all at once.”