Monday, December 18, 2023

Something Has To Be Done About the Extremist Factories We Call Universities

On Saturday, some incredibly disturbing news was dropped by RedState revealing data about how the 18-24 crowd feels about the war between Israel and Hamas. Despite it being disturbing, it probably wasn't shocking, per se. 

As Bog Hoge noted, the young adult crowd believes by a slim majority that Israel should be ended and its lands and people should be turned over to Hamas: 

Antisemitism has run rampant on many campuses, and when three top school heads appeared before Congress, they failed to condemn"protesters" who were harassing Jewish students, shouting "intifada revolution," and calling for the extermination of the entire country.

But the news about the poison being spread in our system of higher education just keeps getting more disturbing as a new Harvard-Harris pollshows that an astonishing 51 percent of American youth aged 18-24 indicated support "For Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians."

How this happened isn't hard to connect. Just days ago, three university presidents sat before Congress and flat-out refused to say that they'd come down hard on violent, antisemitic speech, saying instead that calls for genocide against the Jewish people must be placed in "context." 

What context it would be acceptable in was not elaborated on, and judging by the "pro-Palestine" chants we hear at these colleges, their acceptable context is any context whatsoever. 

This signals a few things. 

Firstly, these young adults aren't being taught the proper history of Israel or even Hamas for that matter. They don't know what's at stake for Israel or what Hamas's true goals are. This seems oddly bizarre, seeing as how the purpose of higher education is to be educated. However, they're just being brainwashed to believe falsehoods. 

Which brings us to a second point. These universities seem hell-bent on the opposite of education. They are instead focusing on brainwashing, and the only reason you brainwash anyone is to turn them into loyal message carriers or soldiers for the cause. We can easily deduce, without a shadow of a doubt, that the "cause" in question is the leftist cause. It's to empower Democrats, radically change the culture, and weaken the constitutional republic and its free market system until it can be toppled. 

That's not a guess. They openly tell you this during their protests. 

Which brings me to my third point. 

These universities are anti-American strongholds. There are no "ifs, ands, or buts" around this. 

Two things need to happen and happen fast. 

Firstly, these universities need to stop getting our taxpayer dollars. If they hate us and this country that much, then they'll be deprived of the funds we give them to continue hating and working against us. 

Secondly, we need a cultural change in our thinking about universities. For generations, we made going to university one of the top priorities of youth, yet as we can see, this has often resulted in insane amounts of debt and does not guarantee a job anyway. We should put far more emphasis on trade schools or some other forms of education that will lead to minimal debt and a well-paying job. 

Universities are not to be trusted with our kids any longer for many reasons, but not the least of them is that they have our kids out there rooting for evil after they prey on the ignorance of their youth.