Monday, December 18, 2023

Here Are the Worst Hot Takes of the Day From Dems on Border Security

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

At this point, one has to think that the Democrats don't want to fix the border and that they want people to flood across without any real check. They don't seem to care about resolving the problem. 

But they seem to have some real doozies that are now coming out of the battle over funding security at the border. 

First, there's Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX). She's an up-and-comer in the effort to make the "worst" lists. She's got a ways to go though to reach the level of folks like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), but she's a real star at the horrible and ill-informed comment: 

Republicans have never gotten immigration right, that's just the fact of it, Crockett claimed. No, it was far more secure under former President Donald Trump. It's Joe Biden who made it worse with his policies; he has a far worse record on immigration. So what is she really saying without realizing that she's saying it: She's bashing Biden. She seems to think dealing with border security is an "absolutely insane" prospect. Then she falsely accused Texas Gov. Greg Abbott of wanting to kill people and the Republicans of defunding border security. 

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) did something similar when she said that if Biden went along with Republicans on border security, he would get a backlash from the left.

So the left doesn't want border security. Does she understand what she just admitted? 

But she did say one thing that's true, Joe Biden needs that coalition and he doesn't have it. As we've seen, Biden is bleeding out people he needs from those groups. 

Then there was Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI), who is likely to have people from both sides of the aisle blasting her for her take. 

We need to let in people for small businesses and for caregiving, she rants. Then she proclaimed in almost the same breath, "We don't want illegals!" She hasn't gotten her leftist talking point straight and needs to go to "woke school" for reeducation on that one. Didn't she learn "no one is illegal?"

But now we're getting into the top two for the day, one from a newcomer and the other from a Democrat with a history of ridiculous comments. 

Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT) is in her first term and she terms herself a progressive, so you know that she has the capability to make some fun comments. She claims House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) "doesn't have seriousness of purpose." 

"When you pull out 40,000 feet, you see someone who is essentially doing Putin's bidding." 

Oh my, not "Russia, Russia, Russia" again. How is securing our border doing Putin's bidding? That's what Johnson is calling for -- for Democrats to actually have some seriousness of purpose for their real job -- securing our own border. Our defense is their constitutional obligation, not Ukraine's. 

That was pretty bad. But I think I have to give the award today to Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX). And it's worse because he's from Texas and should know the problem, but he truly doesn't give a darn. Castro won a prior "silliest take of the day" for his rant about "chainsaw devices" being deployed at the border. Hint: that wasn't even close to being true. 

Castro warned the Democrats in the Senate who were considering supporting the Republican proposal for the border, "You will be surrendering to right-wing racism. And more than that, you will be enabling it." Wow, so securing the border is now racist. Along with everything else. If you don't go along with unfettered illegal immigration, you're a racist. The problem here isn't just incompetence, it's a conscious choice to ignore their constitutional obligation. Castro doesn't seem to care about "surrendering" the border. 

Biden has a border czar, but here's what she was doing on Saturday rather than addressing any of the problems with the border.