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New COVID Study Shows Those Who Complied With Restrictions Have Worse Mental Health

Possibly you recall when in early 2020 we were all exposed for the first time to the term COVID and over the next year were inundated with fear and even propaganda about what would happen if we tried to live as we had before January 2020. 

The government rushed through a vaccine while telling everybody to constantly wash their hands (not a bad idea), wear masks (that really didn't do much), and follow all their dictates, or you might be responsible for some innocent person dying.  

Well now, almost four years after that first hit on our collective consciousness, a study is out saying that people who followed everything their governments were telling them to do suffer from certain mental ailments like depression and anxiety.

Seems to me it makes sense.

The study was conducted in Wales and the results were just published here.

People who complied more strictly with COVID-19 restrictions have worse mental health today, according to a new study.

Researchers analysed the behaviour of around 1,700 people in Wales during lockdown brd on their personalities and mental health post-pandemic.

They found that people who reported complying with COVID-19 restrictions were the least likely to resume normal activities.

If you know anyone who followed what Fauci and the government minders here in this country were saying, you will probably be nodding vigorously about this point. I know I am.

They were also more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and depression today.

Participants were asked to answer questions about their attitudes to COVID-19 and actions during the first part of the pandemic from March to September 2020. 

This period included many public health restrictions on movement and social gatherings.

Researchers also questioned 230 friends or family of those involved in the study to cross-check participants’ answers.

They followed up with 850 participants and asked them to report their levels of stress and mental health every two weeks between February and May 2023.

I'm not a doctor and know just a limited amount about viruses, so I can't sit here and speak as though I'm an expert. 

I worked for over a decade in Industrial Coatings and knew that what our public health authorities were telling us about a basic cloth mask was absolutely nonsense about protecting yourself or anyone else. Government authorities were making this such a point of contention that if you were not wearing a mask, you were possibly spreading COVID-19 to others who were wearing masks, and then you might kill them, which I laughed at.

Now in retrospect, I can see where people had the fear of God put into them about what amounted to not even a Band-Aid, and being told they may be killing somebody unknowingly would probably put them under a lot of stress. 

Then the ultra-draconian move of telling folks and encouraging businesses to force employees to get a vaccine that had not gone through normal FDA time trials or their job would be in jeopardy would absolutely crush most people. Even those who were more than happy to go along with each and every recommendation, which turned out in most cases to be a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, had to feel a bit of confusion and whiplash about how fast things moved.

New York led the country in confusion for a bit with how fast the governors would issue mandates.

Variant Mania: New York Governor Issues Mandates Just Like Her Predecessor, Cuomo

Sometimes, it seems that it doesn’t really matter what warm body is in the New York Governor’s office because they will all act the same. This appears to be the case with newly installed Madame Governor Kathy Hochul, who recently replaced the old putrid and kinda creepy Andrew Cuomo. You remember Andrew, he is the older brother of Fredo, who has that sweet gig over at CNN that hardly anyone watches.

Governor Hochul seems to have decided to follow good ole Andrew’s playbook on how to deal with the new variant coming out of South Africa, which is really just the same way other variants of the “Cove” were dealt with. Possibly, she was not paying attention to how well that all went down when she was the Lt. Guv and honestly, you can’t blame her being it is a cushy gig with a sweet check for doing nothing.

From The Detroit News

She said the variant hasn’t yet been detected in the state but that she decided to sign an executive order to allow the health department to limit non-essential, non-urgent procedures at hospitals and acquire critical supplies more quickly. The order takes effect Dec. 3 and will be re-assessed brd on the latest data on Jan. 15.

“We continue to see warning signs of spikes this upcoming winter, and while the new omicron variant has yet to be detected in New York state, it’s coming,” Hochul said.

Earlier in the month, Hochul blamed vaccine holdouts for a rise in hospitalizations, saying that a worsening situation was avoidable if people would get the shots. She also discouraged large indoor gatherings for Thanksgiving, saying then that “we are heading into a vulnerable time.”

So the new Governess thinks that prepping for the new variant by preventing people from having stuff done or gathering for Thanksgiving indoors will help reduce hospitalizations. That advice was so 2020, back when we didn’t have the “vaccinations” to save us all. Yet, being I heard this argument last year, how about if we check to see how the vaccination rate in the Empire State is currently sitting?

With the same types of policies and confusion being exhibited in Michigan, California, and New Jersey, which also happened to be states led by Democrats, is it really any wonder that the aftermath would be confusion and then depression?

The long-term effects of how governments around the world reacted to this, both in terms of Mental Health and also the effects of the jab, are going to take many, many years to sort out.

Usually, it takes years possibly decades for studies to come out with enough information on the long-term effects of certain things that the government is studying.  This is why looking back clearly now, there should have been much more opposition to the mandates that were being implemented with very little data or science behind them.

That people's livelihoods and even lives were threatened for questioning any of this should have been a red flag and should have caused the vast majority of the people, at least in this country, to stop and say hold on.

If the results from this study are an indication of how people around the globe will end up responding to what was done in the early days of the pandemic, I find no joy in the irony that the people who suffered the most possibly will be the ones who questioned the least.