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X22, On the Fringe, and more- Oct 3


I'm so weary of always talking about politics. All the stinking in fighting, all the back and forth arguing with little to no results, all the phony drama, all the 'OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS PERSON IS A TRAITOR FOR EVEN SAYING OR THINKING THAT!!!' spit balling, (seriously, you even have to ask why almost nothing gets done quickly or at all?). I wish I could talk about something else. Except here in lies the problem: NCIS LA is done, the surviving shows won't start filming for another month (🤞), and therefore, I have no updates on Hetty to talk about. So, yeah. I'm stuck with what I have. (and yeah, maybe this has something to do with me waking up and asking 'Where's some NCIS news? Where's Hetty' for a couple of minutes.).