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AOC Sharing Her Thoughts on Byron Donalds Running for Speaker Shows She Might Be Crushing

Duke reporting for RedState 

Welcome to Saturday, October 21st, 2023. Here is your latest update on the race for Speaker of the House, and today's entry involves someone who is taking a break from her weird views on Israel to comment on her view of the Speaker race. The lovely and talented AOC can now walk and chew a half-stick of bubble gum at one time and as a nation, we are incredibly blessed to have her pontificating for us, don't you think?

In case you missed some of the odder beliefs she holds, my colleague Brandon Morse covered that the other day with this AOC’s Views on Israel Aren’t Just Inexcusable, They’re Extremely Dangerous, and if this situation in the Middle East were not so dire, her comments could be taken as comedy.

From that post...

If AOC liking the idea of terrorist attacks against Israel seems hyperbolic then allow me to direct you to a few of her past statements. 

In 2019, she said that Palestinians should riot against Israel because Israel oppresses them. 

“I believe that injustice is a threat to the safety of all people, because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized — once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot, right?" 

Hamas doesn't riot. When they become angry, they murder, and they're angry all the time. It's odd that AOC refers to these actions as mere "rioting." 

In that same year, AOC co-sponsored the open anti-Semite and fellow "Squad" member Ilhan Omar's resolution defending boycotts of Israel through the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. They voted against a resolution condemning BDS the previous week. 

In 2021, the House overwhelmingly voted to fund the life-saving Israeli Iron Dome, the system responsible for destroying rockets from Hamas before they can touch down on innocent civilians in Israel. Not only did AOC originally vote "no" on the funding, she later changed her vote to "present" and then was seen crying over the fact that the funding was passed. 

Her reasoning? 

“It created a real sense of panic and horror among those in our community who otherwise engage thoughtfully in these discussions, and fueled the discussion to devolve to a point where it became clear that this vote would risk a severe devolution of the good faith community fabric that allows us to responsibly join in a struggle for human rights and dignity everywhere - from Palestine to The Bronx and Queens,” she said.

It's a system that stops rockets from hitting innocent Israeli civilians, but AOC seems to believe there needs to be a discussion about this. 

This is gross. 

Gross, indeed, Brandon.

However in her defense, maybe she was just having a moment that day. Possibly, a lot of moments all wrapped into one, and she just had a weak moment. Maybe 50 weak moments.

Who knows.

Now, I'm quite certain she was clear-eyed and bushy-tailed when she tweeted this out Friday; she commented on one of her colleagues announcing he would be running for the TOP JOB in the House of Representatives as Speaker of the House. 

I have to admit that I'm a tad bit confused about why she is worried about whoever runs or whoever the Republicans pick for the Speaker position. I'm pretty sure -- no, I'm highly confident -- that if the person has an R after their name, she will not be voting for them. So, why all the angst from her on a Friday night, while she is living her best life?

Then it struck me. Maybe AOC has a CRUSH on Donalds and wants to date him -- because of the AOC rule of how social media criticism works.

If you recall back at the beginning of 2022, when AOC and her beau fled to the free state of Florida to get some sun and relax mask-free (no mask mandates in Florida like New York back then, gurl), she had a bit of an odd reaction to people criticizing her for her maskless adventure. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., got a Twitter roast to welcome in 2022 after she claimed "sexual frustrations" are why Republicans are so focused on her.

The "Squad" congresswoman erupted on critics online after she was photographed dining in Miami amid a COVID surge in New York City, going off in particular on former Donald Trump adviser Steve Cortes taking a shot at her boyfriend's foot attire.

"If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet," she tweeted, adding "Ya creepy weirdos." She added, "It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general. These people clearly need therapy, won’t do it, and use politics as their outlet instead. It’s really weird."

Totally, really weird, right?

Because dating you has nothing to do with your boyfriend's feet, or does it in some kinda of weird, creepy way?

So, using my best AOC logic Artificial Intelligence program, I was able to determine that because there are over five people now officially running for Speaker of the House and AOC decided to focus on Byron Donalds in this tweet, maybe she wants to date him. Now, don't quote me as being 100 percent correct on this because anything using artificial intelligence based on AOC is prone to make mistakes like AOC -- which is right around 100 percent just like AOC.

I do not want to nip young love in the bud, but Representative Byron Donalds has been happily married since 2003 and lives in the sane state of Florida. Both of those things should be like garlic and sunlight to a New York-based social media vampire like AOC.

I can predict though, with 100 percent certainty, that Elon Musk is probably going to be crushed if this turns out to be true. But it's possible that because Donalds is married, Musk still has a shot.