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Paxton Impeachment Defense Attorney Cuts Right to the Heart of It, Bush Family Influence

As the second day of the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took place, his lawyer Tony Buzbee brought immediate sunlight onto the motives of those who want Paxton removed.

Ken Paxton defeated George P. Bush in the primary race.  The Bush clan and professional republicans in the Texas political circle were not happy.

Jeff Mateer was the Asst. AG when Paxton took office; Mateer is part of the professional republican apparatus who did not like Paxton, and Mateer became a whistleblower against his boss.  In this soundbite Tony Buzbee puts the timeline of activity in front of Mateer, including the date that George P Bush reactivated his law license.  WATCH:

Accuser Admits He and Seven Bush Allied Cohorts Secretly Went to FBI 
to Report Ken Paxton Without Any Evidence of Wrongdoing

People are discovering why I have said for several years that Texas is a Red State citizenry led by a majority of Blue cloaked politicians.  The establishment Republicans are thick in Texas, led by the Bush tribe and Karl Rove – the exact same group that supports the con that is Ron DeSantis.

The third day of the Senate impeachment trial of Attorney General Ken Paxton continues today, with the group of deputy attorneys in his office (the Bush Clan) admitting they went running to the FBI for investigative support against Paxton, despite having no evidence of wrongdoing.  WATCH:

Notice how all of the AG office witnesses look exactly like George P. Bush?  They are clones.

Paxton’s crime was easily defeating George P. Bush, which triggered all of the corrupt GOPe appointees, bureaucrats and politicians.